Taken from The Daily Press, Thursday March 4th, 1999, Timmins Ontario


Timmins joined Elton John and the Backstreet Boys as a guest on Shania Twain's first international television special Wednesday.

The special featured a concert with clips of Shania in various locations of Timmins, including her family's home and the Maple Leaf Hotel, which she described as a bar similar to those her parents would wake her up and take her to late at night to sing were drinks were no longer being served. Shania returned to Timmins in January to film the clips and give audience a feel for winter in Northern Ontario.

Wearing a Timmins Major's jacket, she reminisced about growing up in Timmins and told how her family of two brothers and two sisters grew close together through tough times. The special was aired on CTV and CBS.