Welcome to the new & improved Brian Littrell Online!
Hey! Welcome to my Brian Littrell site! Hope ya like it!
I just wanna let everyone know that Burger King has the new single It's True and some live songs on a CD, the behind the scenes movie along with the action figures from the Backstreet Project. You should all check it out!
Thanx again for visiting BOL!
And remember to KTBSPA!
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Questions? Comments? Ideas?
Feel free to e-mail us @ the address
We'll try to reply ASAP!
E-mail: brianonline2000@hotmail.com
Disclaimer: I am in no
way related to Brian Littrell or any other BSB!
I am NOT BrianLittrell!
I am just a fan, who made a webpage about him!
All images & information on
this site are Šopyright 1999-2000