Enrique Martin Morales was born in December 24, 1971 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. And, even with little age, he had already been a fortunate human being. He didn't arrive to success by accident, ever that in extensions of his courage, with charisma and dedication, he has gotten to be who he is.

Since very early, the opportunities in the artistic center were presented to him. With just some months of life, he won a baby beauty contest. Since early, the cameras have been irresistible to Ricky Martin.Television and newspaper were the first means that discovered the artistic phenomenon that captivates all his public senses. Without hesitate, was with 13 years old that Ricky Martin met for the first time the fame, making part of the band Menudo. This Puerto-richen quintet marked in their time an unforgettable trail in that the young music refers to. He stayed at the band for 5 years (1984-1989), since 13 till 18 years old. These years were used of a great experience, 'cause from then onwards, he took the bases to form and consolidate what later on would be his career as a solo singer.

When the moment to get out of Menudo arrived, the young singer had already acquired the necessary knowledge to undertake the flight by himself. He had proved the sweet poison of the showbizz world, which, when you prove for the first time, you can't leave it.

Right after a brief pause to continue his studies, Ricky Martin gave up of everything and took root in Mexico, where it was written another chapter in his career...

He participated of the theatrical work "Mamá ama el Rock", with the bright participation of Angélica Vale and Angélica María. In the same year, he made part of the protagonist cast of the soap opera "Alcanzar una estrella II", where we acted with young stars like Sasha, Bibi Gaytán, Angélica Rivera, Pedro Fernández and Erick Rubin. The soap opera made so much success that it was released an album named "Muñecos de papel" where Ricky interpreted the music "Juego de Ajedrez" that put itself quickly on the public liking. With "Muñecos de papel", he made an extended tour by the Mexican Republic. Soon 1991 came, a decisive year, 'cause it was when he released his first production as a solo singer, named simply "Ricky Martin", and that, well... IT WAS A TREMENDOUS SUCESS!!!!!

 From this record, six tracks were detached, that put themselves among the 10 first places of popularity: Fuego contra Fuego, Dime que me quieres, Susana, El Amor de mi Vida, Ser Feliz and Vuelo. Thanks to this first production, Ricky obtained eight gold discs in Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Puerto Rico and United States.

With this album Ricky made an intense tour by almost all Latin America, presenting a concert that broke records. In Venezuela, he won a "Silver Orchid" for his great popularity.

Because of the success of the young singer, it was created a great
expectation in Brazil, where he was also well accepted, and including, he recorded an album in Portuguese to get more penetration in this country.

In February, 1993, he had a memorable presentation in Viña del Mar
festival, where the viewers showed themselves completely satisfied in front of Ricky's performance, obliging him, with their applauses, to come back to the stage 3 times more than the anticipated. The exacting Chilean public stayed so convinced with his performance that, beyond doubts, handed over him the "Silver Seagull", symbol of the festival. Besides, it was in the same year that he recorded his second discographer production "Me amaras".

From then onwards, Ricky decided of body and soul to opt for the music, what made him to reach Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Miami, Los Angeles, Mexico, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Russia, and other countries. The schedule was full of work and without hesitate, our gallant endeavored himself still more to get the deserved success.

Soon, in this same year, in September, Ricky took root in California, to participate of the TV miniserie "Getting By", where he did a splendid acting. In the fall, the city of Los Angeles, dressed itself gallantly when our favorite singer signed contract with the north-american television network ABC, and presented his concert "Me Amaras" at "Universal Amphitheater" of this city.

In the United States, Ricky keeps gaining the support of his televise
audience with his character Miguel Morez, who melts hearts in the soap opera "General Hospital".

Now, to grow up is his fundamental purpose. He has complete conscience ofthe responsibility that implicates to be alone in the stage and to project the strength of a team.

He knows that he was born to be in front of the public and among it. He seeks intensively for his internationalization without imitating anybody, but he realizes and admires the people who have established themselves in places of great prominence, 'cause he really knows that in life we can't be conformists, that he has to learn, to thank and to reach each time more.His battle is with himself. He is his own rival. Rivals don't interest him, only his friends.




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