Adult Fanfic Links



The Unconventional Shippers List: An archive of adult Buffy fic of somewhat unconventional couples in the Buffyverse

Dead Boy and Xander (Angel/Xander): For all those Angel/Xander fans out there

Eyeball to Entrails: A Spike/Willow site

Giles -n- Joyce: Pretty much self explanatory

Spike and Cordy: I think you can figure it out

A Total Eclipse of the Heart: Another Willow/Spike site

She's a Wonderful Toy: Cordelia and Oz pairings

Beauty and the Beast: Yet another Spike/Willow site

And They Said it Wouldn't Last: Is everyone else seeing something between Spike and Willow that I'm not?

A Watcher's Love: The unlikely, but interesting pairing of Giles and Buffy

This Forgotten Love Series: A Willow/Cordelia site

BG 'Shippers: Another Buffy/Giles site

Sweaty Palms: An archive of Willow/Giles stories

Future Bliss: A Buffy/Xander archive

Spike's Spike: I think you get the idea. Great title by the way :)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Adult Fan Fiction: A few good stories

MALLORY'S BUFFY AROUSING STORIES: Lots of different pairings

Fallen Angels: Lots of slash fic

Naughty Slayer: Large index of Buffy/Angel stories