Welcome to Morgana's Site.
"She's a pistol...an intriguing actress with a huge talent for comedy."-- Jan Herman, LA Times
(But I'm NOT an actress anymore. Read on...)

If you don't see a lovely lizard background on this webpage, try hitting the refresh button until the critters wake up.
I'm a life coach now. You can head over to www.charmedlifecoach.com to see what I'm doing now.
This website features a lot of my (former) actor stuff: headshots, resume, links to projects. Ultimately I like this to be a social site--a place for people to check in and find out about each other like they would at my parties in Santa Monica and West Los Angeles. Check out the guestbook, find out about other guests, fall in love, get married, or maybe make a film together.
here to see my RESUME
here to see my REVIEWS
February 2006
I feel like I'm holding on to the tail of a cat! Tons of dream of have been coming true. I'm getting prime speaking gigs, media interviews, the best clients, product requests and raves, the company of people who inspire and nurture me... all things I wrote down on my wish list. Even my weight dropped down to my ideal. And romance? Oh baby! This is wish-fulfillment time. And all this manifestation brings anxiety, deadlines, doing what is new and scary, making mistakes, and choosing to be happy and open. I like to walk that edge of learning new things.
I've been thinking a lot about why synchronicity happens. Here's what I noticed for me: three years ago I started using more intuition and baby steps. I had a major shift in my relationship with money. Professionally I started to discard activities that weren't either a lot of fun or payed me a lot of money. That's my process.
As I see things work, I put them into a system. I try my system out on clients. And clients encouraged me to roll it out my Magic and Manifestation Workbook at the Conscious Life Expo. Check it out online: Charmed Life Bookstore
November 2005
Funny how my last entry ended with "It's all too much for me to take." I wrote that from an abundance perspective, now I'm feeling it from overwhelm. I went to London for a few days last month. I didn't give myself any time to recover from the excitement of the trip or the jetlag. I jumped back into work the very next day. Then I co-led a break-out session at a small conference last Friday, and I'm leading a breakout session for hundreds of people in San Jose this Thursday. I'm really excited and nervous. And I'm getting published in magazines. And I feel myself contracting. I've let some things fall through the cracks: I haven't returned some emails. I forgot to send out a couple of large invoices and probably won't see any of the money until December. I just need some breathing room. I notice a lot of other people are feeling this way right now. Maybe it's in the air. I guess the question to put out there is "how can I be more true to myself?" That's a good question for all of us, isn't it?
September 2005
The most successful month of my life! I'm finally living my dream. I have a totally full practice of charmed life business coaching clients across the United States and in the United Kingdom. I've had to become extremely selective about what new clients I'll take on, and at what fee. Cause I just don't have room for the people who aren't going to love the process. My book is selling, I'm getting lots of public speaking requests, and my inaugural workshop on Financial Alchemy sold out and then some! And it resulted in an expectedly excellent recording that I am editing to offer to people who couldn't get in to the live workshop. It's just wonderful to be prospering, and to see clients and workshop attendees prosper. What a long way we've come, Baby! Everything is magical. I keep thinking of the line from the Beatles song Baby You're a Rich Man: "It's all too much for me to take!" So I'm taking off for a week in October. Leaving the country. Heading for London. Cheerio!
August 2005
I just went to my 20 YEAR HIGH SCHOOL REUNION. Talk about a surreal experience! I hardly recognized anybody. Did I go to this high school? And then I came home and opened my yearbook (something I obviously should have done before the event.) Not only did I know these people, we were friends!!! I really liked them! I am so embarrassed. (I wish I could do the whole reunion thing over right now.) I'm having a real, "This is your life" experience. To which I'm sort of responding, "It is? Where was I?" I wish I remembered it better. I feel like a guest in my own life. Anybody else have this experience?
In other news, my cat Roo is home! Six weeks after she disappeared, I received a phone call from someone who picked her up on an evening walk. She was fluff and bones when I got her back, but she returned to her cuddly and demanding self in no time at all.
More news: I've been selected to be a speaker at the 10th Annual Conference of the International Coach Federation. This has been my BIG DREAM for years! I am so excited!
You can read about my recent visit to the Olympic Spa in LA's Koreatown with my friend Melanie at www.goinggirly.com
June 2005
What an exciting month! I did my annual education binge: this month I threw myself into intense courses in NLP, and Hypnosis, garnering shiny new certifications as an NLP Master and Advanced Hypnotist (you're getting sleepy,...SLEEPY!) Mostly I just love to hang around other coaches and personal development people. I find such friendly, open, and inspiring people in these settings. It's a real high.
I went to the world famous Improv comedy club for the first time last night. It was a great night: first I got carded again (I love you guys!), then I saw Craig "The Love Master" Shoemaker headline. He was fantastic! He is also an incredibly nice person in real life.
The sad news is my cat Roo disappeared while I was out of town taking these classes. I took my cats to my father's house, and Roo ran away. I'm really hoping she'll come back. 
March 2005
Last night (March 21) I was carded. I am 38 years old! Even after he looked at my driver's license, the bartender asked me my birthdate. I couldn't believe it. Okay, enough narcissism for this entry. In other news: my client Camille has created a topnotch resource for actors: Talent P.I.M.P (Pipeline Into Motion Pictures). I agree with casting director Jami Rudofsky's assessment: �Talent PIMP is the most comprehensive tool for actors looking to network and navigate through the Hollywood game.� Visit www.talentpimp.com to check it out.
January 2005
What a year 2004 was! I broke up with my boyfriend. My cat Rosebud died (in October). I visited Quebec in November. I've met amazing people all year. I became a published author. We had a presidential "election". Death and torture in Iraq. Over 160,000 people died in the asian Tsunami. The side effects of migraine prevention medicine Topamax nearly killed me in December. It was a real mixed bag of a year. One of the most challenging of my life. Good bye 2004. Good riddance! Hello and welcome to 2005. So far so good. I really think this is going to be an awesome year. I just coached a three day intensive for Peak Potentials Training. It was wonderful. (For free tickets to my favorite Peak Potential class, click on Millionaire Mindset.) And I hope more than anything that we get out of Iraq soon.
On the lighter side of things, UC Santa Cruz freshman Genevieve Brown informs me that students in her dorm have voted Pierce Brosnan "Hottest Old Guy." Pierce beats out other older hotties George Clooney (in second place), and Sean Connery, who comes in third. I personally think Clive Owen--last year's King Arthur, and winner of a Golden Globe for his performance in Closer--should be the next James Bond. Somebody please tell the Broccolis. Thank you!
At long last I have learned the secret of winning friends and influencing people--at least in California: wear a Kerry button! Every time I wear my "Kerry for President" button I get such an outpouring of friendliness. I don't have to do anything outside my normal behavior and I hear back, "Only a Kerry supporter would bother to read the name tag of the bag boy at the market and thank him!" (Of course that is not true. Republicans can be nice and friendly too. But I have found it interesting to notice what we read into our party affiliations.) It's been really exciting to see how galvanized our country is over issues of public policy. I'm voting for Kerry because I don't think Bush knows how to keep us safe--how to run a war, how to correctly prioritize dangers to national security, how to protect us at home. Please don't send me hate mail if you disagree. You are entitled to your view, and I mine.
In other news, my cat Rosebud passed away this month. I hope she is in heaven sitting on Chris Reeve's lap.
I've been lax again. Seems I missed August altogether! This month I made another television coaching appearance, this time for a show called "Health, Wealth & Higher Consciousness." I was a guest "expert" on weight management. I'm an expert? Some of my clients have been losing weight, so I guess I have another coaching niche.
I'm also working on something that I call "coaching for the masses": a new way of delivering the benefits of coaching (including one-on-one coaching sessions) to the many people who can't afford my premium client fees.
VOTER ALERT! Several of my friends have discovered that after years of voting in every election, they were mysteriously unregistered for this year's presidential election. Check now to make sure you are actually registered! These are strange times.
June was an incredible month. I shot my first guest spot as a coaching expert on a tv talk show. I got the world's greatest personal trainer: Rage, a former cage fighter. We could see changes in my body after the first hour. I manifested a lot of other stuff too: a new computer, new clients, a website designer for my coaching site...all sorts of stuff that I had been wanting just seemed to fall into my lap for little or no money. I've been developing theories on manifestation: how to attract what you want instead of chase it away. I even started teaching a teleclass on that subject in June. One of the elements to attracting what you want is by cleaning up and clearing out the stuff you're tolerating. That is the subject of my July e-zine (electronic newsletter). Charmed Life Connection: Making Space for What You Want.
Oh boy. The news of American soldiers torturing and perhaps murdering captives in Iraq has just about knocked the wind out of me. I'm horrified. And pissed off that people would do stuff like this while representing this country. So I've been grateful for other stuff that showed up in April that reminded me how wonderful and kind human beings can be. Here are the highlights: April 27 I attended the First Annual Artivist Film Festival Awards. Wow! The awards were held in Hollywood at the historic Egyptian theatre. The festival was about merging art with activism in human rights, children's protection, environmentalism, and the humane treatment of animals. Awards were given to the winning films in these subjects, and honors were given to Ed Begley Jr., Tippi Hedren, Mike Farrell, France Nuyen, Greenpeace, Witness, the Child Welfare League of America, and the Humane Society. The entire festival and awards ceremony was conceived and executive produced by the phenomenal Diaky Diaz. I was blown away. The next night I went to a fundraiser gala for Best Friends, the largest no-kill animal sanctuary in America (if not the world). I met the most incredible people there! I even got to pitch in by donating a month of life coaching for the silent auction. On the first of May I won a date with Tad Hamilton. Well, er, I rented the movie "Win A Date with Tad Hamilton." It was awesome! I laughed, I cried, I called the writer. (For purposes of full disclosure, I should admit that I dated the movie's writer first. So you can imagine how relieved I was to love the movie after sneaking out and renting it behind his back. I totally recommend the flick.)
Oh boy! Full month. Scott and I broke up, and he's going to shoot a movie in Iraq in April. Ah well. I am blessed with incredible friends. In other news, Heather and my "Take Command of Your Career" group coaching is on fire! One of our clients has a film going to this year's Cannes film festival, another client is having her new cd release party on April 3. And I'm an about-to-be-published co-author in the book "Inspiration to Realization: A Woman's Guide for Business, Personal, Spiritual and Financial Success." The book is slated to come out in June.
I've been putting so much energy into my e-zine that I've been totally slacking on this site's updates. So here's the latest: Scott and I went to the Sundance Film Festival in January. This was my first time there since 2000! The films I recommend the most are: "Control Room", a documentary on the news coverage of last year's invasion of Iraq. It felt like you were actually there in the Middle East with the bombs going off next to you. At the same time, the filmmaker gained unprecedented access to the U.S. Military Press Office, Al-Jazeera personnel, and other major newsmedia reporters at the scene. Keep your eye out for the feature films "D.E.B.S", "We Don't Live Here Anymore", and the grand jury winner "Primer" (shot for only $7,000).
After the festival, Scott and I stayed an extra day to ski. I had never skied before in my life. It was wonderful! I'm awful! It was thrilling to do something that scared me, that I didn't think I could do. I'm just grateful Scott bought me a skiing lesson so I could come home with no broken bones.
If you'd like to learn more about what I've been doing with my time, you can always e-mail me and request my e-zine. This month's Valentine Issue features "The Easiest Way to Improve Any Relationship" and the usual gossip on cats and friends. Send your emil tomorgana@charmedlifecoach.com and type "e-zine" in the subject line.
Life has just been getting better and better since that awful August. My relationship with Scott is more fun, romantic, and secure than it has ever been...at last. And I have finally become the kind of client-magnet I had dreamed of being. I had to turn away new clients away in October because I already had more than I could handle. What a switch! For a long time it was such a STRUGGLE to build a practice. I wondered why I had bothered to give up acting. Now I get to coach clients internationally.
New experiences: More public speaking: I I was the guest speaker at the Film Industry Network meeting in October. Next week (the first week of December) I'm leading a Goal Manifestation Workshop for the Los Angeles Association of Young Professionals. I learn more with each experience. This month I went to my first annual conference of the International Coaches Federation. It was a blast! And inspirational! And I got to meet and reconnect with the greatest people. They let me see the wisdom and mastery I aspire to.
I didn't add an August entry because, frankly, August sucked! Not just for me. I've noticed it's been a rough cycle for a lot of people. Chaos is in the air. There was some good stuff. I spent August 2 with good friends and cool strangers at a couple of parties. At one party I found myself smoking from a Morroccan hukah (I think that's how it's spelled) with an Saudi prince and an Australian chick named Guienevere (Morgana and Guienevere in the same room!) while making corndollies to celebrate the holiday Lughnasa (named after the Irish god Lugh, who was the inspiration for the character Lancelot in the Arthurian romances). I also found out that almost all of the Dream Challenge contestants for KNEW radio (a clear channel station in San Francisco) listed me as their first choice for the coach they wanted to coach them for the Dream Challenge competition. I just had my first session coaching a group of clients for that show.
Today is September 11, and this anniversary feels rougher than last year's. The world seems more insecure. I have family flying to New York from Los Angeles today, and I'm feeling anxious. What I wish for the world, starting now: deep and lasting compassion to overwhelm fear and anger. Compassion for self and others. Love, understanding, and peace. So mode it be.
Hot diggety dawg this has been a busy month! Fourth of July weekend Scott and I went to Vegas. I hadn't been to Vegas since I was five years old. In fact last time I was in Vegas, Elvis was playing! I played the slots and won a total of seven times (for a grand total of approximately $15 to offset the $30 I played) over four days. We saw Sigried & Roy (two Germans in Conan-the-Barbarian capes save the world from girls in monkey costumes), Penn & Teller (a must-see for the bullet trick), Rita Rudner (explaining shopping to the men in the audience), and the piece de resistance: Cirque du Soleil's "O"--the most amazing thing I've ever seen.
When I got back, I was asked to be a keynote speaker for the third anniversary of the Creative Actors Alliance. What an awesome group! This was my first introduction to the organization. They get together to network, support charities, and be proactive in their own creative careers.
Next up: in August I am partnering with professional transition coach and talent manager Heather Rem to offer a group coaching Take Command of Your Career workshop for actors.
I guess I really blew it on May. No entry at all. Oops. I've been all wrapped up in my newsletter, my other websites, and my new relationship coaching clients. This week I read Harry Potter book number 5! (Note to self: remember to grow up sometime. But not too soon.)
About June: the cool thing that happened this month was helping to rescue a beautiful black dog I saw wandering around without a collar. I was driving by on a side street in Beverly Hills when I saw a dog who was all alone and not looking happy. It was a hot day, and I knew this dog would need water. After I parked my car and got closer I saw she had a scab on one leg, fresh blood on a front paw, and she looked thin and thirsty and scared. Sweet dog! I went back to my car to bring the dog some water when a man came up with a tupperware container and a piece of rope. He had seen the dog too and had come back with supplies. So we gave the poor pup a drink and tried to lasso her. Not easy! While we were talking to the dog, trying to get closer to her, a couple of women who lived in the neighborhood came by to find out what was going on. The four of us continued to try to coax the frightened dog into letting us get the lasso on her. Eventually Doggie relaxed enough to let one woman scratch her behind the ears, at which point we looped the rope around the dog's neck. Mission accomplished! The gentleman then walked the dog back to his office, after which he planned to take her to a vet. He said an associate in his office had already stepped up to give the black dog a home. Yay! It was such a relief to know that one less creature would suffer.
I just got another picture from my April trip with Scott. This is my favorite:

Late again. Sorry about the tardiness of this month�s addition. Scott and I went to Vienna and Berlin. The people of Austria and Germany couldn�t have been friendlier. Vienna is gorgeous! It�s clean, scenic, and has a ton of museums and palaces and tiny cobblestone alleyways that beckon mysteriously. Scott and I saw The Barber of Seville at the Vienna Opera House. Scott likes opera, and I wanted to experience his world and Vienna�s. It was marvelous. And if you ever go to Berlin, take the walking tour from the Zoo Train Station. Another must is the Pergamon Museum. With the Baghdad Museum looted, the Pergamon may be our best remaining access to some of the great treasures from the cradle of civilization.
Scott and I are freeeeeeezing in front a remnant of the Berlin Wall. It was snowing. In April!
While I was in Vienna I received an e-mail from a casting director from MTV for a new reality series about six women who want to turn their lives around with the assistance of a life coach. She wanted an audition tape of me talking about my philosophy of coaching. But I was in Vienna! So I sent out an e-mail to all my friends, seeing asking to borrow a digital videocam to shoot a demo as soon as Scott and I staggered off the plane from Berlin. We shot the tape, and I heard back from the casting office two days later that they loved it and I had "made it to the next round." How ironic. I thought I had renounced being in front of the camera when I became a coach! We'll see how far this goes, if it goes any farther.
Eek! The last thing I should be doing is writing right now. I just got back from San Francisco. My coaching training as a Relationship Coach is complete (that's what I've been working on for the last several months), and I have maybe two days to do my taxes (which I haven't started). Scott and I are hopping a plane to Vienna, spending a few days there, then taking an overnight train to Berlin. The universe keeps sending me to Europe to acknowledge my coaching milestones. Become a coach: go to Europe. Get certified: go to Europe. Complete relationship training: go to Europe. Who am I to question it? All my real writing has been going into the Taproot Connection newsletter (a subscriber list of over 600 and growing strong!) Head to www.taprootcoach.com to check out the back issues or subscribe for the new ones and find out what has really been going on in Morganaland!
Sorry I haven't been writing. I fell in love (and apparently fell off the face of Morganaland, right?). My life has revolved around coaching and relationship, coaching and relationship, so...I decided I better find out more about relationship coaching, if only to learn some skills to nurture this very important love relationship of my own. In the meanwhile I'm learning a whole new world of coaching, mediation, and conflict resolution skills as I'm being groomed for my newest hat in the world: Relationship Coach. Head over to www.taprootcoach.com/Relationship_Coaching for a taste of what that is.
November 2002
So I met a lovely woman at a function last night. She was talented at many things, trying to do it all, quite accomplished, and beating herself up for not knowing which path to take-- she had a "what are you going to do with your life?" gremlin. This is someone who has already done quite a bit! I have a response for her. (I wish I had asked for her business card, because so often the right response comes in its own time...a little later than I would like.) This is what you are going to do with your life: be happy. If you can learn to be happy, then you will be a model and a teacher for others to be happy. And they will be models and teachers for others to be happy. If we could all be Buddhas for happiness and fulfillment, imagine the possibilities for the world. It doesn't really matter if you get an MBA or paint flower pots. What gives you joy? That is your job.
"Some" of you may have noticed my recent computer adventures with yesterday's launch of Taproot Connection. I put together a little newsletter that I really liked on Microsoft Word. Then I sent it out, en masse, through Microsoft Outlook, an e-mail program that is unfamiliar to me (big mistake). Microsoft Outlook seemed to like my newsletter. So much so that it kept sending it. And sending it. In fact I can't open that program for fear it will start sending it again. I'm hiring a licensed Microsoft pro to sort this all out for me. And this brings up all sorts of questions around drama and adrenaline and unnecessary busy work. I have been transfixed by computer problems! It's completely addictive to obsess over admistrative things that a million people out there are qualified and employable to do better. There are always a million ways to make almost anything easier, and yet like most people, I do it the hard way. Isn't it interesting that human's choose this? Maybe I like the artistic control of fiddling around with details myself. And doing "administrivia" is less confronting than say, life. But it all really boils down to the question: what is most important? Especially if you were to use time spent as a measure of importance, where do you cast your vote?
My vote for a silver lining: I did hear from an awful lot of my favorite people, many of whom I hadn't heard from in a very long time, when my computer started sending off the newsletter by the dozen!
October 2002
October has been all about relationships and parties. Lots of parties. And reflection on what's working and what's not. What are the relationship patterns that show up in my life--especially relationships that I choose (of course, who else?) that no longer serve me? What does that old choice cost me? What do I gain from that choice? What do I want to choose now? What am I going to do to make that new choice real for me? (These are great coaching questions, by the way, so I encourage anyone reading to try these out at home.) At the same time as all this inner work has been going on, I've had this overwhelming calendar of parties where I've been meeting fascinating people. And reconnecting with beautiful people I don't see nearly often enough. So it's been quite a rich period. A perfect month for meeting my demons and harvesting the gold.
September 2002
I printed this on September 11, and it got lost in a computer snafu. Many people were inspired by these words, some people were outraged. I didn't write this. This is a pluralistic society, and I think this perspective supports our country's (and our planet's) longterm good. That is my opinion. So I am reprinting Enough! Day. Peace on Earth. What a concept.
September 11: Enough Day
Bush, acting upon a joint resolution of Congress, has declared September 11 to be Patriot Day. According to his proclamation, we're supposed to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities and to display the flag at half-staff from your homes and observe a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. EDT, this in honor of the Americans who died in the terrorist attack.
You know, personally I think this idea is just inappropriate. I have heard of a better idea, so I'm making it a proclamation of my own, which of course is completely unendorsed by any US politician so far that I'm aware of.
I declare September 11 International Enough Day. Enough flag-waving, enough violence, enough nationalism. Enough already! September 11 was not an American tragedy ... it was a human tragedy. It was a tragedy not just for the people in the US who died, but for every innocent person killed as a result of the US reaction to the attacks as well. It was a tragedy for the human spirit, regardless of nationality, religion, and anything else.
On September 11, let's say Enough. No more killing. Let's remember not only the victims of the hijacked airplanes in the US, but of the embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. Let's remember all the Israelis killed by Palestinian bombers and all the Palestinians killed by Israeli troops. Let's remember all the innocent people slain by Union Carbide in Bhopal, India in 1984. Let's take the day to contemplate the people who've been victims of genocidal warfare in Africa, and the ones who've starved to death because of political games as well.
Let's remember the victims of the Holocaust and of the firebombing of Dresden, too. Let's not forget those who were slain in the Mai Lai Massacre. Let's also honor the memories of the innocent lives lost at Pearl Harbor and include those who perished at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Instead of waving the flag of one nation and thinking only about our own dead, let's make September 11 a day to remember all the people who've died at the hands of someone else's political agenda through no fault of their own, and let's say enough. We should stand up and disavow this, no matter what country we're in, no matter what religion we are, no matter our political affiliation or status or race or anything else.
If we had a moment of silence marking the time of every atrocity ever committed in the name of nationalism, religion ... every atrocity committed in the name of the artificial borders that try to make us forget that we're all human, all in this together, all fragile creatures whose lives can be snuffed out in an instant through no fault of our own ... then we would never speak again.
So we here in America should, I think, observe September 11 as the day when the nightmares that humans around the world have been living with for decades came lumbering ashore on the East Coast of the US. We should see it for what it is; the day the US truly experienced the horror that rings like a bell around the globe, from South America to the Middle East to Micronesia, the day we joined the human race at a most profound and fundamental level.
There should be no Patriot Day, no day to further emphasize that we're different. Instead, let's say Enough. Enough of putting the interests of any one nation above the interests of the human race. Enough dwelling on our small differences. Enough killing each other over them. Enough hate, enough fear, enough hunger, enough violence, enough bombing, enough, ENOUGH.
We should each find our own way of expressing this. A moment of silence ... or perhaps a day of silence. Meditation, art, whatever it is that you do ... do it. Take the day to celebrate the lives of all of us -- wherever we're from and whatever we believe -- who are still here, and think on those -- wherever they were, whenever they were and whatever they were -- who weren't so lucky.
Take the day to remember the fragility of human life and all the nightmares wrought by those who wanted to impose their will upon the whole of humanity.
Commit no act of violence, however small. Let go of any hatred and prejudice and thirst for revenge and, for one day, see yourself in the other and the other in yourself. Do whatever you do, and do it to say ENOUGH. And let's pray that GOD BLESS ALL HUMANITY ... not just America!
August 2002
I got my letter in the mail today. I'm certified! I am now a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach. Woo hoo! Just in time for my first seminar on August 25: "Being Authentic in an Inauthentic World--how to get what you want without losing yourself." Tonight is the Fifth Annual Screening and Gala Party of the Filmmakers Alliance. They always show a bunch of awesome, subversive short films from Alliance fillmakers before giving their Vision Award to an established, groundbreaking filmmaker. Last year was Terry Gilliam. This year is Wim Wenders. And for some totally silly, "she is so LA" news, I have learned that in vedic astrology my sun sign is in Sagitarius. So I am no longer limited to being a plodding Capricorn in Tropical (Western) astrology. I can be a hunter! I have a choice. And once you factor in the rising sign (Libra) and moon (Scorpio), making sense of any daily horoscope is a lost cause. Drats.
July 2002
Greetings from Siberia, er, I mean, my summer in Scotland. Talk about cold! I see store window selling tank tops. Who's going to wear those things? Today Edinburgh, tomorrow the highlands. Last week was Ireland. My sister bailed on the trip the night before departure--her body collapsed from exhaustion from stress of school, the graduation, the parents--so the trip suddenly became a solo affair. Ireland was kind of rough because I still had to sort out adjusting to the changed situation. I decided I'll spend the rest of the trip in the company of rowdy backpackers. (Well, not too rowdy. Sleep is good too.) So far Scotland looks like it's going to be awesome. I totally forgot how magnificent Edinburgh is. Every moment I'm accosted by some dramatic scene of Edinburgh Castle, Calton Hill, Arthur's Seat; and photos trivialize the real experience. It's all so green and ornate and mysterious, historical and still living.
Dateline July 12. Toured Scotland. It was incredible. The highlands are etched in my soul. Especially the West and the Isle of Skye. I loooooooooooove hairy coos! I can't wait to go back. I even liked haggis. I'm writing from Amsterdam. Arrived yesterday afternoon. I tried magic mushrooms called "Philosopher Stones." (Damn if I'm going to trek all the way to Amsterdam and leave without SOME sort of adventure.) Things got pretty trippy, which was fun and interesting, but I felt so sick afterwards...I totally fail as a junkie. I can't bring myself to do any more.
It's July 24, and I've been home a week. Today the smog cleared out and I could see the hills, could see downtown, and Los Angeles looked beautiful. The light is very bright and golden here. Maybe I'm getting my LA eyes back so that I can appreciate home again after being so dazzled abroad.
June 2002
Hi! I thought I'd write a June update while it's still June--what a concept! So what's been happening thus far this month? My online personal ad was picked as Catch of the Day, so my face was suddenly showing up on the front pages of salon.com, nerve.com, and theonion.com. Now the cool thing is that lots of old friends who had disappeared from my life saw my pic featured on these magazine home pages and got back in touch! The pervy ones saw me on nerve, the comics and the politicos saw me on the onion and salon...you know who you are. ;- ) In other news, I put in my application to renew my passport today. I had to take those horrifying passport photos. Ten years is too soon to do this again. Oh, and BIG BIG BIG RECOMMENDATIONS for About A Boy and Y Tu Mama Tambien. The latter one is not appropriate for kids
May 2002
Sorry I've been so bad about these updates. Here's what I've been doing for the last two months: completing my requirements (classes, homework, 100 paid hours of coaching while in the certification program) in preparation for taking my certification exam at the end of May. I can't wait to take the test! Part of my excitement is that I love going to the San Francisco Bay area sooooooooo much. Since this is my last scheduled trip for Northern California, I'm drawing it out a little longer than necessary. Then I'm going to Oregon for a week in mid-June for my sisters's graduation (Masters in Social Work). Then Lisa (my sis) and I are heading out to Dublin for a month of travel to celebrate our new professional designations. Meanwhile, I loved Spiderman! I can't wait to see Chris Nolan's follow up to Memento-- Insomnia. I'm coming off of a pottery painting bender at Color Me Mine. Next I want to learn to belly dance. I'm reading a book on modern Physics called the Dancing Wu Li Masters, and science "fact" seems to be at least as strange (or counterintuitive) as anything in science fiction.
March 2002
Is everyone thrilled by the seachange at this year's Oscars? Yeah Academy! Denzel has been due a best actor Oscar for ages. Anyone who has been checking here or on the Treehouse message board has probably noticed I've been missing in action. I have been deep into a new adventure, and have been totally neglecting this particular cyber community. Sorry. Meanwhile, I have about six more weeks of coach certification training left. My little sister is graduating with her Masters in Social Work in June. The more she and I talk about what we do, the more we are amazed at the parallels in our professions. We are planning on going to Europe together this summer to celebrate her MFA and my CPCC.
January 2002
Tonight I rode the bull! Just got back from Saddle Ranch on the Sunset Strip. Third time there, first time with the cajones to give it a try. It was fun! In other news, I switched from cable television to DirecTV, and I am a slave to TiVo. I spend my days scanning for things to record. I can be in the middle of watching live tv, get a telephone call, and pause the broadcast. It's so cool! The cats who've adopted me are still around, much to the dismay of the cats who already live here. Somebody left me a dead bird this morning. Sweet, huh?
My friend Jonna is covering the Sundance Festival for the Sundance website. Check out her Sundance Report at www.sundanceonlineresourcecenter.org. Click on Sundance Report.
December 2001
The neighbor cats have been visiting again. They just let themselves in through the cat door, to the utter horror of my own cats. At least THEY like my cat food! My cats should be happy to have that unacceptable dry food taken off their hands, don't you think?
Merry Christmas, Yule, Solstice, Hannukkah and Kwanza all! And Happy Birthday Nina and Arthur and Tori and Chuck and Peter. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. Stay tuned for my birthday next month. Okay, here's where I'm going to get all profound and reflective and even sappy, so be forewarned! There have been some excruciating parts to the year (and national events have been traumatic)...but over all I am really happy with the choices I've made and the way they've turned out--new career, new people in my life, many of the old people still in my life...more freedom, flexibility, abundance and kindness than before. I'm finally learning to set boundaries (somehow I missed that growing up) and trust myself, others, and the universe in general to be creative, resourceful, and whole. And if we could just restore democracy to the United States (the emerging dictatorship of our president/new leader of the Christian Coalition and the suspension of basic freedoms in our country really freak me out), everything would be perfect. Oh well, here's a good place to try that trust in the universe thing. My favorite film this year has been "Bridget Jones's Diary." My favorite television series has been "West Wing" (like you're surprised, right?).
November 2001
November is looking like a happier month. Still not okay with the guy in the White House; but in the little bubble that is Morgana's world, life is sweet. I'm learning to read tarot cards. (Those of you who know me are probably more surprised that I don't already know how.) I totally recommend a nonfiction book that EVERYONE should read called "The Chalice and the Blade"--I've become quite the history and pre-history junkie. I just completed coaching a team of eight of the coolest, nicest, most spirited writers/directors/actors/producers/designers. My little sister is coming to town this month. My coaching practice is thriving (and I am surrounded by all these hugely talented, funny, generous, creative people). I just gave my Morticia Adams hair some do-it-yourself-and-hope-for-the-best highlights and trim. Even singlehood is nice, this time around. Read into that what you will...
Mid-November update: File this under EXTREME IRONY... When I was acting I wanted soooooo badly to perform at the Geffen Theatre. Now that I'm not an actress, I got pulled out of the audience to perform on stage at the opening of the Geffen's new show. Egads. Figures, huh? And it was fun, of course. The biggest challenge was to not fall out of my dress without looking like I was trying to keep myself from falling out of my dress. (The dress stayed up pretty well until the jumping and running. Then I was glad to be wearing a cape.) But I'm still a coach. I'm still retired. Very happily retired and LOVING coaching. Meanwhile I'm writing a bio and sending my headshot to a website designer for a film I starred in last year, my internet soap opera is profiled in a national magazine (I finally got a copy), and it's so much more fun to enjoy all this without having the weight of working on making a career out of it. I guess I'm just relieved to not be getting hooked back into the acting dream. I quit such a short time ago and loved it for so long that each time temptation comes up I wonder "uh oh, is the desire going to come back?" Kind of like an addiction. Cause being an actress was so consuming. I liken it to being a hungry ghost--never satisfied. It's so much easier to relax and be in the moment and play now. So when stuff happens I half-fear a relapse into my earlier ambition. Like I'm being tested or something. So far so good. I'm still free. Does this post sound like a twelve step share or what?!
October 2001
What a difference a month makes, huh? Here I've been tucked away, safe at home in Los Angeles, while the people I immediately know and love in New York City all made it through the attack...as far as I've been able to tell. And yet, like most of the world, I've been totally obsessed with the tragedy and the continuing threat, been sleeping badly, crying often, and swinging between anxiety and a general feeling of survival fatigue. I see the same reactions in the people around me. But life goes on: I've completed my advanced coaching courses and am in the process of certification (should take about six months). This is a good time to be a coach and helping people. Tomorrow I'm coaching for Flash Forward again. (visit www.flashforwardinstitute.com if you want to know what it is.) I got a reminder of my former actress life at tonight's screening of "The Goddess Within," a film I shot over a year ago. (See picture of me as a blonde below.) It was great! The director did a smashing job with his first comedy. Next he's taking it with him to London and to film festivals all over Europe. Meanwhile, "Capricious" was profiled in this month's Flair Magazine. Figures there'd be so much going on with my acting career now that I don't have one, huh?!
September 2001
My apologies for losing months of updates, and then not adding anything for a while. Big changes taking place! In March I decided to retire from acting; in April I ran away to Europe for six weeks to explore old castles, baby animals, standing stones, and other non-acting stuff that has intrigued me my whole life. Came back and dove into becoming a professional life coach--a continuation and deepening of stuff I had been doing for years on the side. But I've rearranged my priorities: focusing on the goals and aspirations of other people, helping other people, takes center stage now. Not just a fun thing to do "on the side". And I am personally LOVING the feelings of connection and value from being a coach. The one hiccup on the path has been my boyfriend of two years freaked out about my change in careers and dumped me! Well that's who he is, and the rest of the world has been *a bit* more supportive. LOL! I hate the shock and the hurt of the break-up, but I'm learning to value the space in my life that has opened up in his absence. So I'm just quietly allowing the currents of life to show me what's next. Meanwhile, my coaching practice is coming along with speed and ease like I never imagined. I'm training, coaching, attracting clients and working towards certification.
February 2001
Just a quick note before bed: I was accepted to the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, so send all those tapes for Emmy consideration my way! The improvisation show at the Ivar Theatre has been an incredible experience. You can tell that several of the kids in the show are going to be stars, and it has been a kick to play with them before a live audience every day. And as soon as that show closes this Friday the 9th (and I was invited to perform in the All-Star Improv Jam finale that night), I start rehearsals for another play. And then factor into that all of the auditions and films and other things going on...it's getting hard to find time to sleep. And boy, do I need sleep right now.
January 2001
Well, finally, it really is a new millenium! Getting to Park City this month for the Sundance and Slamdance festivals is looking rather iffy since I was abducted by an improvisation troupe. Well, actually, the deal is this: I was asked to be one of the improvisation coaches for a lot of non actors--lots of poor and disadvantaged kids, even "children of the night" kids, and ordinary working folk, as part of the Los Angeles Media and Education Center's Comedy Jam. Performances at the Ivar Theatre in Hollywood.
Still working on my top ten list of films from 2000. Got more to see before anything's final, but here's the preliminary list, in no particular order: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (well, duh!); Remember the Titans; Erin Brockovich; Quills; You Can Count On Me; Wonderboys; Gladiator; Girlfight (do I like the violent films or what?); Almost Famous; Finding Forrester. And add O Brother, Where Art Thou? and Chocolat. And Thirteen Days. My top ten is now up to thirteen. And Billy Elliot was very good too, though the boy really couldn't dance. Like you care what I think.
December 2000
Well this is big news, at least for me. I've been a volunteer career coach to writers, producers, directors, actors, development people, you name it--and I'm finally going to take it professional. People I've coached have starred in tv series, have won awards, have written/directed/produced and even sold feature films, have secured the jobs or the representation that they wanted. I love to coach, and this is what I want to do with my life when I'm not on the set. So here are some questions to ask yourself: What is your dream? What do you want to achieve? What and who do you need to know? Based on where you are in your career today, what would it take to get to your goal? A coaching business: that will be my project for the new year. And congratulations to actors Greg Gardner and Sterling Wolfe: their films got into Slamdance 2001!
Okay, I hammered out the most preliminary first pass at a coaching web page (no bells or whistles) just to stay on schedule, but I've decided to remove the link until I'm closer to being ready to go.
November 2000
and I just bought a new Chrysler PT Cruiser! Limited Edition. Taupe.
The results are in from the Lycos Model Contest (and our fundraising efforts for Barry Carver's short film "Romeo & Juliet Revisited"). Two of the ten top prize winners--out of thousands of contestants--were from our Friends of Barry gang. That's $20,000 of prize money, $10,000 going to Barry's film! Hooray for Cami and Nick! And everybody MUST head out to Los Angeles movie theaters in Hollywood (The Galaxy) and Burbank (don't know what the theater is yet) on Friday, December 1 (or at least make opening weekend) to see "Poor White Trash" and party afterwards with cast and crew (including the writer/director Michael Addis.) This film stars Jason London, William Devane, Jaime Pressly and Sean Young, and has swept film festivals across the country. And--you heard it here first--your ticket stub opening weekend will admit you to the coveted Poor White Trash parties. Get up to date info on the Los Angeles premiere and screenings at the New York Comedy Film Festival, and to see the trailer, etc, go to the website: www.poorwhitetrashmovie.com "Screening" has been purchased by Atomfilms. "Bliss" (blink and you'll miss me in the final cut) is up on Atomfilms too, as part of the USC First Look Fest. Capricious is back on line with a new URL! www.capricious.tv
October 2000
Every year at Halloween, my mom throws dinner for family, friends, and all our (dead) invitees. If we want to get in touch with a person or pet who has
moved on to the "other side", we bring something they liked to eat. It makes them feel loved. This year's Dumb Supper will be held on October 27th, the Friday preceding Samhain (Halloween). Mom picked this date because it's Dark Moon, so quite appropriate, plus being a Friday, it's more convenient for pagans with day jobs. "Bliss" came out great. Director Thomas Meyer and DP Derth Adams did a swell job. And I want to congratulate Trevor Murphy for his work in "The Day Before", and Sterling Wolfe for his appearance in "Before She Met Me" at the USC First Look Festival. Life in the big city is coming along. The cats are finally learning how to use the cat door. Sometimes they forget how it works, and we go through the whole game of kitty scratching on the people door and wailing tragically...but as long as they find their way to the litter box on the back porch (I'm talking about you, Roo) everything's okay.
September 2000
My USC film "Bliss" is screening at the Directors Guild next month. It's part of the USC "First Look" festival for discovering new talent. The feature "Comedy of Errors" should start rehearsing later this month after David Birney finishes a theatre run in New York. For those of you who are considering moving: DON'T DO IT. As hard as you expect it to be, it'll be harder. I didn't sleep for a month. On the bright side, I just joined Gold's Gym in Hollywood. Hey, if it's good enough for Fabio and Kevin Spacey...
August 2000
I shot a short film as first lead in July, and went BLONDE.
So weird. Some guys get so excited by the idea of blonde. Today (August 1) I'm auburn, en route to brunette. I feel so much better with dark hair! I'm doing another film this week. The director dropped out of Yale Drama to compete in the '92 Olympics...but what he REALLY wants to do is direct! And write. Needless to say he's very talented, and I'm looking forward to working with him. Happy Birthday Mom and Dad!
July 2000
Remember the horror movie I shot called "Drive In"? It's having its first screening on Wednesday at Culver Studios.
Some people do Star Trek. Others do Dr. Who. I have derided them all. And now I have to come out and say, "Hi. My name is Morgana, and I am a Potterhead." Meet my Inner Geek. I read the Harry Potter books. I was in line at Crown Books at 11pm, an hour before the new book went on sale. I've got it bad. But aren't the first three steps of any 12 Step program admitting that I have a problem, acknowledging that there is a power greater than myself, and turning that problem over to a higher power? Hmmmm. Higher Power and Harry Potter have the same initials. That couldn't be just a coincidence. In other news, I am leaving noise-phobic Santa Monica for "Beverly Hills Adjacent". The new place isn't nearly as big, but it will have these advantages: a washing machine, more electricity, indoor heating (what a concept) and an air conditioner, enough hot water to actually take a bath, windows that OPEN, a cat door, and it WON'T RAIN INDOORS! These are just a few of the amenities that one can look forward to in a non-rent control apartment. Not that I have anything against rent control. I was very happy in my Santa Monica place, despite its quirks. More happy, of course, when the plumbing was working...
June 2000
Busted. The jig is up. The "Man" is keepin' us down. You gotta fight...for your right...to paaaaaaarteee! (a song I never liked, by the way) Last night the cops shut down my party, making it almost certainly my last party in Santa Monica. Sorry, folks, but those $500.00 fines for parties of soft music and conversation are a little out of my budget. It was so weird! The cops show up at 11pm on a Saturday night in response to some neighbor, somewhere. They can't quite figure out why they were called. Granted, there are a LOT of people in my little house, but people are just chatting away and not doing anything particularly loud. "Were you playing loud music?" one officer asked, puzzled. "The music is playing right now. It's cranked to 1." "Hmmmmm. Well, we don't know what to tell you. Maybe if you close the front and back doors, it'll make a difference." Done. 1:30am, half as many people at the party because everyone's afraid that if they talk at a normal, conversational tone, the Fuzz will be back. And the Fuzz came back. Police officers in Santa Monica have no discretion in these situations: if they respond to a second call, the tenant gets charged $500.00(!) whether there is noise or not. In the meanwhile, contributions to Morgana's Public Nuisance Fund will be graciously and gleefully accepted. No joke. Please contact me at morganarae@yahoo.com
May 2000
May Day! May Day! We're on commercial strike! Time to plug in your Billy Bragg tape of "The Internationale," or John Lennon singing "Power to the People." It's very exciting to be on the right side of a labor dispute and know that victory is inevitable. Over 300 ad companies have already signed SAG's very reasonable Interim Agreement in just our first week of striking. See you on the picket line or at one of the rallies!
April 2000
Cool things to report: I'm doing "The Comedy of Errors"! (I dropped out of "The Waiting" after they changed directors and things were getting too weird.) Instead, I'm acting in a film adaptation of Shakespeare's play, in modern day but with Shakespeare's language, with Charles Durning and David Birney and other fabulous actors. Rehearsals started this week, and filming begins in May. Woo hoo! And here's the long awaited link to "Capricious", my once-and-future soap on the net. We're beta testing some new video streaming stuff. Check it out and let me know what you think.
March 2000
Beware the Ides of March! But so far so good. Congrats to Vik Rubenfeld for meetings with Showtime and with super literary agent Pat Quinn at Metropolitan Talent Agency. Kudos to Stirling Gardner for his tour de force "Samsonite Love Monkey" at the HBO Workspace. It was awesome! Fabulous things are brewing for that other Sterling, Sterling Wolfe, and his feature "Automatic" (check out this preview link), but I can't talk about it yet. And in my life? Like Matthew Perry and Angela Bassett, I'm now represented by the A-list megamanager Barry Krost at Krost/Chapin Management! End of the month update: cool new job! I'm now the on-set dialogue coach for a new, Disney-produced sitcom. And they know I'm an actress, so I'll be able to leave for auditions.
February 2000
The year so far is pretty amazing. I finished "Drive In." I have another feature coming up in April that will fly me out to Florida--a romantic comedy called "The Waiting." I met a ton of fascinating, creative people in just a few days at the Sundance Film Festival. (By the way, everybody MUST see "Girlfight" when it comes out.) Those of you who would like an inside look at Sundance, and the other film festivals going on at the same time in Park City, should visit this site: Kent Bye's Park City Photo Diary. And the coolest news of all? My long dormant Soap-on-the-Net, "Capricious", is back in business! I start shooting it again next week. Yippee! I'll post a link as soon as it's back on line.
January 2000
Back to Zero. Clean Slate. That's how I see the turn of our calendar to the (not quite) next millenium, as well as the birthday coming up on January 7. I declare this to be the Year of Ease and Reward. So when I get all stressed out about stuff--as I tend to do--just remind me about the ease and reward theme of 2000. Happy New Year, and a fresh start for everyone! By the way, the films "Magnolia," "The Insider," and "Holy Smoke" all get my enthusiastic thumbs up. I hope you can find them at your local movie theatres. Woohoo! I'm shooting a teen horror flick called "Drive In" this month. I'm one of the leads. My character's sort of a goth cheerleader (as if!). Then I'm taking off to catch the last couple of days of this year's Sundance and Slamdance film festivals in Park City, Utah.
December 1999
Happy Holidays! I had a grand time in Oregon. Everybody MUST check out the website for my sister's boyfriend's band "Honey Bucket". This month I'll be shooting an independent film with one of my favorite directors Kevin Lewis (he helmed "The Method"--starring Robert Forster, Sean Patrick Flannery, Michael Bondies). I am starting rehearsal on "The Bacchae" as Semele--mother of Dionysis, doomed lover of Zeus--with producer John Morrissey ("American History X") on the 12th. And I can't wait for Yule, the tree, the cider, the presents, and some time to clean house, to evaluate '99, and to envision the possibilities of '00.
November 1999
This month I am doing the unthinkable and LEAVING TOWN! I'm going to Eugene, Oregon to see my "kid" sister. This is terribly exciting. I never take a break. And I am really looking forward to a little rest and relaxation and tree hugging. Have a great Thanksgiving.
And about my televised "Blind Date" (November 1 and 31): Wow! I had no concept of what a large audience this show would have. I went on the televised blind date cause a girlfriend recommended me to the producers, and I thought it would be fun and different from anything I had done before. Let me tell you: it is very weird to be on a date and on tv! You are very aware that you are there to entertain the television audience at the same time you are trying to meet a real person. By the way, the producers asked me to play up the Wiccan mom thing (that's probably why they picked me) and pretend I wasn't an actress. The producers were looking for young, okay-looking people in the Los Angeles who would be willing to get in front of a camera--so of course most of the people on the show were going to be actors. But I wasn't lying about being a teacher: I've done that too. And the date WAS NOT A HOAX, though our activities (juggling, dinner) were determined by the producer and had nothing to do with what we wanted to do. Our date lasted about ten hours...the episode that aired was maybe ten minutes. My date Brian is really an independent film producer (we whispered our real professions to each other off camera.) He is a very sweet guy. We are friends now.
October 1999
Well I really waited til late in the month to post this one! Oops. My "Time Of Your Life" pilot with Jennifer Love Hewitt is airing tomorrow night (Monday, October 25 on Fox). My episode of "Blind Date" will air the following Monday, November 1 at 6pm on UPN. I've just been really busy going to auditions and meetings, with a miniseries and a feature film scheduled to start early next year. And I'll be doing a staged reading with Alan Garfield and my friend (and Canne Film Festival sensation) Stephen Blackehart in mid November. Halloween is creeping up on us, so those of you with cats--especially black ones--please try to keep them indoors and safe from wierdos. My favorite movie this month is "Fight Club." It's violent (yuck) but not pro-violence: it's a social satire. I found it fascinating and wickedly funny, and I want to see it again.
September 1999
Out with the old and in with the new! I just got a new agent and new headshots (the photos at the top of the site with the longer hair). I have a couple of plays and a feature film on the horizon. I'm learning how to play poker. And I saw a screening of "American Beauty." It's one of my favorite films of all time. Run run run to see it! Of course "Sixth Sense" was great too, but I'm sure you've already seen that. One more thing: out of the blue I received a job offer this week to shoot three vignettes for Mazda. The director had seen me in a play last year and had his producer hire me direct: no audition. So that's good tape, fun work, and money too. And heck, if they hire me for a national some day, I'll even buy a miata!
August 1999:
I just shot the pilot for Jennifer Love Hewitt's spinoff from Party of Five titled Time of Your Life. A feature I cast called Rubbernecking--starring Corbin Bernson (LA Law), Arye Gross (Ellen), Renee O'Connor (Xena), and Debra Wilson (MadTV)--is finally in the can and just had its wrap party. My episode of Blind Date is rumored to be airing in November. My plays are done and I can breathe again.
July 1999:
What a theatre ho: I am now cast in substantial roles in THREE different plays, all rehearsing and going up at the same time in late August. I just cast a pilot presentation, and I'm helping to cast a short film that will have major special effects. One more August note...I'll be going on a televised blind date for the tv show--you guessed it--Blind Date.
June 1999:
Thank you everyone who came to see me in "Thirteenth Night" at the Falcon Theatre! Dozens of people were turned away both nights, including agents, managers, casting directors, and some of my closest friends. My parents barely made it past the strict box office. I LOVED the material and the cast. The director was a hoot. And it was a major challenge to conquer that much Elizabethan dialogue in such a short rehearsal period. But the playwright, 17-year-old Renee Hendrie is a real force of literature--what a wit! And she already has Jason Alexander in her corner...he was her mentor on this production. And did I mention how much Garry Marshall liked the play?
May 1999:
I shot a music video for the group Susan's Room. It was a rough job. I had to make out for FOUR HOURS with an actor who looked a bit like Leonardo DiCaprio. I'm committed to my craft.
And I starred in the tape that's going around for the pilot "The Reel Deal"--an edgy, Gen X Siskel and Ebert-type film review show. I have another pilot shooting in July, I think.
PS--To those of you who have been asking if I'm in anything you can see (besides my clothes?): one of my films, "Elvis Is Alive..." is available in video stores now. Meanwhile, the Gil Cates Jr. short "Screening" (featuring Morgan Freeman) is airing on the Sundance Channel. "Children of a Laughing God" screened at Raleigh Studios, and the film is now storming the South at film festivals in North Carolina and West Virginia.
And this is me with short hair...
� 1999 morgana@charmedlifecoach.com

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