Hi I'm
zbadman. First lets thank Geocities for whom without this
site would not be possible. So to Geocities/Yahoo,Thanks!
Also click below to find out how to get your own site. Oh and don't forget to bookmark this page. I
will constantly be updating it so I hope you'll come back
often to view all the new things that I may add, Thanks and
These are some gifs that to my knowledge are public domain. If you would like to use one of these gifs for email or homepages it would probably be better to transload the image to your site then use. But for those that either don't know how to do this sign my guestbook and leave your questions or email me at zbadman@webtv.net and I will help anyone who needs it. (Time permitting)
(Just click on the link to view the image. If using webtv just click the image and then click your goto button, click n show last and it will show you the URL for thatgif. From there you can CCP it, then tranload it to your website. ENJOY!)
Eat Beef
Eaten Turkey
Hiding Turkey
Hunting Turkey
Lady Carrying Turkey
Thanksgiving Sign
Thanksgiving With Leaves
Thanksgving Banner
Turkey Running
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Thanks for visiting my sites come back and bookmark this page because there will also be links to a lot of Christmas Gifs.If you have time please sign my guestbook and let me know what you think!
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