$~*#MoRe PoEmZ..#*~$

**Some may kiss their friendz good bye
The birds may kiss the butterflies
The morning dew may kiss the grass
But you my friend may kiss my ass..!

**If I had my way
We'd sleep every night
Wrapped around eachother
Like hibernating rattle snakez..~!

**Seven wise men with knowledge so fine
Created a pussy to their design
First was a butcher, smart with wit
Using a knife he gave it a slit
Second was a carpenter, strong and bold
Using a chisel he gave it a hole
Third was a tailor, tall and thin
Using red velvet he lined it within
Fourth was a hunter, short and stout
Using fur he lined it without
5th was a fisherman, nasty as hell
Threw in a fish and gave it a smell
Sixth was a preacher whose name was Mcgee
Who touched it and blessed it and said it could pee
Seventh was a sailor, dirty little runt
Who sucked it and fucked it and called it a cunt!

If anyone gotz any poemz you want to add here, juz email me at sazzii@hotmail.com plz! thanx..:)