Welcome to my Guestbook!

Chrissy - 08/30/00 06:22:30
My Email:babyangels2000
How did you find this page?: from my cuz, bec
Where are you from?: Sydney
Age: 13

Hey Bec, great web site. trust U 2 put so many pics of nick in it. well hope U have a great year 2000 from ya yoyoyo cuz Christine

TaMmiE - 08/06/00 08:28:11
My URL:http://lilxaznballrgrl.tripod.com/HOMEPAGE/index.html
My Email:aznxjulietta@netscape.net

Nice site...cute guyz...nice links....good job, gtg bai~*~

*BeNJi* - 07/18/00 12:48:22
My URL:http://trax.to/nictse
How did you find this page?: Coz u signed my guestbook~! ^_~
Where are you from?: Hong Kong
Age: 17

Hiyo..~! Just wanna say thanx for signing my guestbook ah?~! So.. u like nic too huh?!~ Kewl.. nice homepage.. add more in the nic section lah.. hehe..^_^

XiaoLing - 07/07/00 12:31:31
My URL:http://fly.to/xiaoling
My Email:xiaoling@vampirehunter.com
Where are you from?: Singapore

Hello, your website consists of a lot of interesting things. I especially like the part on "Love" and "Poemz".

Mai-Anh - 07/07/00 12:20:24
My Email:babydollforeva@mailcity.com
How did you find this page?: i just looooove watshisface and ppl i dont noe
Where are you from?: heeheheheheheheh
Age: i swear im 13! shut up Jen!

hmmm lemme c i like de poems and stuff did u rite the 'love' one? hey how was ure date with the vamp? ok dat was a pretty pathetic line soorie man! we;l kool site hmmmm dedicated 2 sumone? lemme gess Jen? nahhhh onli jokin! well i tink im riting too much!

veron - 07/04/00 14:19:32
My Email:evonv@mailcityasia.com
How did you find this page?: junting site
Where are you from?: singapore
Age: 25

I like your design foe your home page!!

Jenz - 07/02/00 12:25:53
My Email:drAgon@vampirehunter.com
How did you find this page?: from u!
Where are you from?: ur pussy (sowie dave it is MY spot!)
Age: 13

Heya becca i want u soooooo bad and dave can join if he wants i'm gettin all horny for ya...... meet me under my bed tonite! LOL cya! luv alwaiz jen

lynn - 06/20/00 03:50:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/mdwav_sg
My Email:jamie82singnet.com.sg
Where are you from?: s'pore

can add more info on mdwav

Dave - 06/18/00 05:10:35
My URL:http://www.underbecsbed.com
My Email:Madness_12_98@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: yer tole me about it ya...
Where are you from?: good question... Mummy....?
Age: 14 (HAHAHAHA I'm older than you bec :P )

hmmm your page sucks LOL j\k go see mine www.pornrules.com its the best site I made it myself hehe yeah well I'll see you like later ok Daaaaaarling? ok hunni (LOL) byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) Dave. XXX XXX

- 06/12/00 20:36:32


yaya - 06/12/00 20:35:41
My URL:http://gosh.suck.com
My Email:yaya@dork.com
Age: 15

cool. i like it.

Mythical Spirit - 06/07/00 07:37:48
My URL:http://charmedone.cjb.net
My Email:mythical_spirit@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: From u!
Where are you from?: OZ
Age: 13

Heya Bec! Nice page of Nic!!!! Luv it and da summari of Date with Vamp!

yiuyiu - 05/11/00 17:57:21
My Email:yiuyiuyo@chickmail.com
Where are you from?: hk uk
Age: 20


Lestin - 04/22/00 03:25:29
My Email:pwong28@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: thru kailing
Where are you from?: Singapore
Age: 35

No bad huh? Got your own homepage!!! Study hard for the coming exams...ALL THE BEST

2 ß û ® °GüÅ®ÐiÅñ °°ÅñG飰 - 02/18/00 07:52:52
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/FunKy_AnGel/
My Email:«ßäßyXóXó@¥õÜ®-Høܧé.©ø|¥|°»
How did you find this page?: *~[¥õÜ]~*
Where are you from?: Da CiTy Ob AGeLz
Age: 14


¯¯¯`·÷·¤·»|[*FunKy AnGeL aKa KyLeS* ]|«·¤·÷·´¯¯¯-
HeY HunnI
Im JusT TaGGin YooH BooKie CoZ IM TesTin My GraFix .=LoL=
KeeP uP tHe GrEaT wOrK
MaN I LuB TsE Ting FunG
HiS So Hot!!=LOL=
I Lub Da PIx 2..=)..
KeeP Up ThE GooD WeRK On Ur PagE OkaI?=LOL=...We GoTTa Go Out SumTimE AgEn..
AnYwaYS...SoWie BaBES..I ChU Ur PagE But RiTe NoW I GoTTa R N...~*CiAO*~

Dave - 02/14/00 09:41:02
My Email:blahblah@NOSPAM.com
How did you find this page?: hmm... I DUNNO! :-)
Where are you from?: under becs bed :-)
Age: I think its amazing how you can put lots of WORDS here... MY REAL age is 13!

¥ø \X/姧üÞ ß뢡¿ £üv †hå ÞÅGë¡ HØÞë ýÅ håƒ å GøøÐ Ðåý ßlåh ßlåh åñd åll †h冡 ï £øvë ýøü¡¡¡ £øvë Ðåvë. P.S. that fucking took me forever so... yeah!

Ishween - 01/10/00 11:51:27
My URL:http://www.idonthave1.com
My Email:weeny_87@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: you told me about it!!
Where are you from?: Malaysia
Age: 13 in feb

hey bec this is really cool!! even though i don't know the ppl on it=) luv Ishween

ERiN - 01/07/00 05:43:06
My URL:http://joshua100.cjb.net
My Email:nothing_1000@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Kylies page
Where are you from?: over the rainbow

Hey Becca! Whatssup? Luv the page! EMAIL ME! I'll be on ICQ soon, so i'll chat to ya soon. pplz, visit my page plz, its in desperate need of hitz! And SIGN THE GBOOK! PLZ! Talk to ya soon, Bec.

~FunKy AnGeL~ - 01/05/00 10:26:20
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/FunKy_AnGel/
My Email:LiL_FaLLeN_aNgeL@hOtmAiL.CoM
How did you find this page?: FruM A FweNd
Where are you from?: CitY oF tHa AnGelZ
Age: HmMm..GueSS

Yo BecCaZ WaT A GrOovIe PagE mAn niC iSh PrEttY cuTe....hMmMz..WaT ElsE ShouLd i RitE? oh yeAh ThanX 4 BeiN SucH A KoOliSh FwenD AnD EvEryonE hU goEs To mAi WebpaGe.....SiGn The goD dAmn ThInG!!! hehehe...CyA...... ~FunKy AnGeL~

XiaoLing - 01/01/00 06:35:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/plains/2053/index.html
My Email:xiaoling@vampirehunter.com
Where are you from?: South-east Asia

Keep up the good work. And please visit my homepage on My Date With A Vampire too. It is English verision but contains a little Chinese.

Uncle Kieth - 11/29/99 19:31:29
My Email:keithly@netvigator.com

Hi Beccii I'm really impressed!!! How did you manage to do all this? My previous homeage should still be there. However, I haven't checked in for a long time and now I forgot the URL. I'll let you know if I find it again. Now it's your turn to visit a commercial storefront developed by me. The address is http://www.teamfree.com/keith. See how you feel about it. Luv Uncle Keith

jess - 11/29/99 10:24:32
My Email:drAgon@vampirehunter.com
How did you find this page?: u told me!
Where are you from?: oz
Age: 16

hey bec!!!!!!!! u do noe that u should update ur page more often? gettin bored here girl! seeya!

jess - 11/28/99 04:20:37
My Email:dragon_gal_@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: u gave it to me girl!
Where are you from?: australia
Age: 16

hey, ur page is pretty good angelic! still......u could try HARDER!!!!!!! LOL:) BY THE WAY, if ur still here........ seeya!!!!!!

Karen Lam - 11/28/99 02:48:44
My Email:kaz_angel_au@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: U gave it to me!
Where are you from?: Australia
Age: 12

My God! It's excellent gurl!!! Keepm up the good work

~*ЮëÃm¥*~~*ÅnGe£*~ - 11/26/99 09:13:25
My URL:http://«««^*_ÅñG£L_^Bªb¥^*^»»»»
My Email:lil_fallen_angel@hoymail.com
How did you find this page?: u told meeh!~
Where are you from?: city of tHå Ånge£z.....

hey becz this page is so kool Nic is so HUNKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oohhhhhhh so wassup? well since im so shit at sigig w/p ill go but hey, its good aint it?

your admirator! - 11/26/99 02:00:19
How did you find this page?: more than great!
Where are you from?: Canada

hey there very good job i know! keep going. i'll visit your homepage as much as possible. k? but hope u'll update as much as u can k? bye bye now

Vi - 11/16/99 23:43:27
My Email:lanie98@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: Yahoo
Where are you from?: Australia

Hi, just want to say keep up the fantastic work!!! really enjoy how u dedicated this page to Eric Wan Tin Chiu, hope u will add more to Eric's pages soon!!! however, when i tried to visit some pages on Eric the links didn't work, eg Series and Links page. could u please check it out and email me back. thanks

LuVlyLemOn - 11/16/99 14:44:49
My Email:luvlyday@mailcity.com
How did you find this page?: search engine
Where are you from?: malaysia
Age: 18

Gee... good page. Know what, i find that we have the same taste... Both of them are my favourites too... By the way, do you have any idea where i can join Eric's fan club??? ^_^

Geinny - 11/13/99 13:48:29
My Email:general7@keromail.com
How did you find this page?: Just surfed on
Where are you from?: H.K
Age: 16

I am one of the fans of Nicholas. I came to this hp to see is there any Nic's latest news but there's nothing, so I think this hp is not very good. I still like this hp a LITTLE bit coz of the photo's and profile's of Nic.

*note from webmistress: I apologise to Geinny, and anyone else who sees this message, I haven't been able to update my page until now due to all the exams that are going on...sorry pplz!

Angie - 10/19/99 06:30:31
My Email:platform3@hotmail.com
How did you find this page?: sazzii's a friend
Where are you from?: China-Australia
Age: 12

Hey Bec, Howd u get all this kewl stuf?..d sites lookin reel kewl, keep up! platty3

Wen Ying - 10/03/99 09:08:10
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/vampire_date/default.htm
My Email:vampire_date@yahoo.com
How did you find this page?: By Geocities
Where are you from?: singapore

Please visit my page on My Date With A Vampire too. contains both Chinese and English.

Rebecca - 10/02/99 08:06:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Highrise/3368
My Email:sazzii@hotmail.com

ok...4th time trying to get this dumb guestbook to work...it better work this time or i'm gonna...well, do something really bad to it! i hope everyone gets to see this message! by the way, if it stuffs up again, can someone PLEASE email me?

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