It's Time To Get Connected!

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Let's face it. What you really want to know is how to contact your favorite young actors!

You know and love them for their talent and beauty. It's time to take it a step further. Time to get personal!!!

In this site, you will view their autographs, learn how they were obtained, and get great tips for your own personal response.

I will try to provide as many images as possible. Also to give the best up-to-date filmographies and stats on the actors.

Any input about this site, or specific informtion about an actor is welcome!

This page may be changed dramaticaly the next time you visit. Only because it's curently, and actively being worked on.


Or, you can read on to find my favorite Links, E-Mail, and more information about this site.
And please, take the time to sign my guest book.

My Favorite Links

Lost In The Stars

One of the best young actor sites out there!

Young Male Stars

A great information source!

This is my first web page, and it may take me some time to get it up and running. Be patient and come back, it gets bigger every day! If you want to make contact with great young actors, this is the page to visit.

In the meantime, feel free to E-Mail me with specific questions about young actors, or suggestions on actors I should include in my site. I hope you will come back and enjoy the autograph images, and information on how I got them!

I hope to hear from you as I create this page!

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Since 4/27/99

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