

Steve's official Website

Okay, I admit that Steve is a rather odd name for a rock band, or any band at all, but I like the name Steve. It works for many things. Some friends and I did a panto last year and had a cow called Steve, it's a great name when you just need a random name. I don't know if it really works for a band. I do know one person who didn't go and see them simply because they wouldn't believe that a band called Steve could be any good, but they are. They used to be called Bleach, but I believe there's a Christian band in America called Bleach, so that's why they had to change. The reason for the name Steve was that they had to come up with a new name quickly and at the time they had many friends and people connected to the band that happened to be called Steve.

I've seen Steve a couple of times now and always been impressed. Last time I saw them was at re.vive@Soulsurvivor '02. What was rather depressing was the small size of the audience. Most people seem to have opted to see Phatfish. I guess I can understand that, 'cos Phatfish are more well known. I just think that Steve deserve a larger following than they have. They seem to have been ignored quite a lot. I guess I'm guilty of this myself. I mean how much Steve merchandise do I have? Well, one CD as of this morning.

Steve play loud music. Music you can jump around to. I think that they have the potential to go far as long as they begin to get the recognition that they deserve. As it stands at the moment no one seems to have heard of them. Though they do have quite a lot of gigs, so maybe they'll start to be a bit more well known.

Falling Down

Comments Tracks
Sample of Zealous

Well, this arrived in the post this morning, so I have only managed to listen to it twice so far. However, my opinion is positive. I have to admit that I was quite surprised to find that their CD actually comes close to their live performances. The quality is good, there's a nice mix of fast and slower songs. Definitely some jumping around catered for. Excellent.


  1. Zealous Core
  2. My Ever My All
  3. M
  4. Fine
  5. Falling Down
  6. Devine Design
  7. Smile
  8. Hunger
  9. Hey Now
  10. I am Here
  11. Mellow