
The Insyderz


This group is really cool, I had never heard of them until I got their single free when I bought Fiction by Mukala, but I really love their style.

Their does seem to be some sort of thing though that everyone will either love or hate them. At least that's what I've found with playing Skalleluia to people. Everyone has a very strong feeling, sadly most people seemed to hate it except a few friends of mine who agree that it's fantastic. I guess you have to like loud music to like it.


Comments Tracks
Awesome God Soundbite

Basically this is a CD of well known worship songs given a bit of a change to make them into Ska songs. Maybe a little cheesy, but hey, I like it. What am I saying? Like it? I love it. I think this is the best thing since sliced bread. I mean, I'm talking about hearing these songs like you've never heard them before. This is the best version of "Lord, I lift Your name on high" ever!! I put this CD on and within seconds I'm shouting and jumping around. It's great. If you like worship and you like loud music, you'll love this.


  1. Oh, Lord, You're beautiful
  2. He has made me glad
  3. Awesome God
  4. Lord, I lift Your name on high
  5. Jesus draw me close
  6. Ancient of days
  7. You are my all in all
  8. Jesus, name above all names/More precious than silver
  9. Joy
  10. We will glorify
  11. Mourning into dancing


Comments Tracks
Our Wars soundbite

This is a maxi single and has two songs which are only available on that disc. They are "Just what I needed" and "Our Wars" (not the Dark Fader mix). All of the songs on the CD are really good and original, I really want to buy the album, but will have to wait until my finances are in a better position, I already bought "The W’s" CD this week. "Our Wars" is a great song with Star Wars references, they call Jesus the Jedi Master and it has light sabers and Boba Fett in it, it even has the Mos Eisley music in the middle of it.


  1. Paradise
  2. Our Wars
  3. Just what I needed
  4. Our Wars (Dark Fader mix)
  5. Paradise (Karaoke mix)