
New Direction

Yes, it's another band I've never heard of and have a CD of only because I won it. Tbh I don't think I got any good CD's in the batch I won, well except for the 2 that I had already, ain't that the way it goes?

They aren't really a band, more of a choir. They're gospel. Apparently they're taking it in a New Direction, whatever that means. Their songs and style remind me of the school choir in Sister act 2. That's not really a good thing is it? That was a funny film though. And they aren't bad, it's just unfortunate that I keep thinking of the film. It's mainly just the first song that does that to me though.

New Direction

Comments Tracks
Lighthouse Soundbite

Actually I'm not sure if New Direction is the name of the album, it doesn't really say. The unfortunate thing about the song lighthouse is that they try to rhyme help with prayer, clearly these two words do not rhyme, and I really thought that she was going to sing I need your hair. Well, it's not just me, Helen's sat here too and we both looked at each other and said we thought it should be hair. Slightly unfortunate really, makes it hard to take it seriously.

Anyway it's not a bad CD, though it's not one I ever listen to, I've listened to it twice since I got it, once to see what it was like, and now to review it, so clearly I'm not overly impressed, but it's not bad. There's quite a good mix between more lively songs and quieter reflective ones. Well actually it's not really mixed, there's only one quiter one. There's a bit of rap thrown in.

** (2/5)

  1. Interlude
  2. Lighthouse
  3. Who do you roll with?
  4. You love me
  5. Worship Christ
  6. New Direction
  7. God's Gift
  8. Satisfied
  9. Here am I
  10. Dance
  11. Lead me on