

Live is a series of live worship from particular years. So it has a good mix of worship leaders and worship from different events that happened in the year. Making them all very good modern worship CDs.

Live '97

1997 was the year of "Champion of the World" at Wembley Stadium, I was there, along with 45 000 other Christians. I was also at Soul Survivor and worship from there is on this Cd. Re.vive@Stoneleigh, Stoneleigh and a Worship Together conference also provide worship for the CD.

* * * *(4/5)

Disc One Disc Two
  1. I will Dance, I will Sing
  2. Here I am
  3. The King of Love
  4. Teach Us O Lord
  5. You are merciful to me
  6. Oh, our Lord and King
  7. I'm Grateful
  8. They that wait on the Lord
  9. Your waves of love
  10. Father God
  11. Pure like You
  12. Our passion is for You
  1. Lift Him up
  2. Can a nation be changed?
  3. We're reaching out to You again
  4. We're here for the harvest
  5. Let Your love come down
  6. The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord
  7. I want to be holy
  8. I dream (Believer)
  9. The heart of worship
  10. we bow down
  11. Loves compelling power
  12. Say it Loud

Live '98

Here worship from Stoneleigh (including re.vive@Stoneleigh), Focusfest, Mandate, Soul Survivor, Salvation Singing (in Canada) and Easter People combines on one CD. I prefer this CD to Live '98 it has some fantastic songs on it, including a very good version of Be Thou My Vision, not quite as good as the rock version (not available anywhere afaik, my friends' band does it, if you know a band get the to speed up Be Thou My Vision and make it very rocky, it's fantastic) but not bad.

* * * * *(5/5)

Disc One Disc Two
  1. O Come let us adore Him
  2. There is a voice
  3. Take us to the river
  4. Draw me close to You
  5. How deep the Father's love
  6. Be Thou My vision
  7. Saved
  8. I set my eyes on You
  9. This is the best place
  10. Beautiful Saviour
  11. I love You Lord
  12. Before the throne of God above
  1. Let there be joy
  2. Great is He
  3. The eyes of my heart
  4. Jesus, all for Jesus
  5. Spirit of the Lord
  6. When deep calls to deep
  7. Dancing with the Father
  8. You have given me new life
  9. I come wanting (just to be with You)
  10. When I survey the wondrous cross
  11. River of God
  12. Many are the words we speak.