I was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska and went to A.J. Dimond High, graduating in the class of 2001 with honors. My interest in photography started with the study of motion picture, then moving onto cinematography and 'capturing that moment,' within photos. My start was basic, in a high school course with a Minolta 50mm manual, learning the old world of black & white photography and chemicals, which is still my favorite medium. Now, after some confusing times in college & thinking I was going to be an actress/director/editor/superstar, I graduated from the University of Oregon with a major in Theatre Arts, but photography still is my number one interest and will continue to be professionally... My style is within photojournalism, although I try as many fields as I can. Experiences with photography has been both great and terrible, from my own projects and from the photographers I have worked with. Let's just say that I have a well rounded education of how to run a business, and how not to run one. |