Hello, and welcome, to my personal house of horror.
This is Vatslov, Vatslov Mcarthur.
Many lambs have died to bring what you see before you, this...house of pain. And very recently, several bags of Funyuns were sacraficed, by me, to apease the Internet God whilst trying to make this lil' shack of horrors just a little bit better for you, the faithful reader. The Internet God.....being my stomach. I have changed this labrynth of terror quite a bit, the chaos is slightly more organized now. But be that as it may, I am still quite confident that you well lose at least part of your mind in your journeys here. Fair thee well, oh person with tight pants.....
UPDATE: YOU PEOPLE DO REALIZE THAT I HATE YOU. I mean, think about it. How long has it been sence I've updated this hell hole? And because I have faith in your stupidity, I'm sure you don't know. SO, i'll tell you. Nearly an entire year. And for this, I am proud. But what did you people expect from me? From the first day that I opened up the House of Pain, I've recieved (on quite a consistant basis)nothing but complaints, from peopole claiming to be "customers". "It stinks in here","There isn't enough light to see", "My legs are caught", and the ever-so-popular..."You stole my children". I say BOLLOCKS!! So, in retaliation, I have vowed to produce MORE stink, LESS light, create MORE hazaderous situatons, and KIDNAP more of your children. And possibly update more often. There, I've said my peace.
11/19/01 UPDATE: DO YOU LIKE TO SEE ME IN PAIN? The correct answer, my faithful customers, is yes. Now listen up people, I have something to say. In case you haven't noticed, I have about as much respect for the House of Pain as I do for you. AND, in case this is your first time here, as an example of my respect for you, please know that I want nothing more then to someday attend your funeral, and with a red hot brand, burn "ASSHOLE" on your forehead. But anyways, back to the point.
I have found very little motivation to update this site, and would appreciate a mail every now and again. Also, for christ's sake, sign the damn guestbook. I MEAN JESUS. You people expect the world from me, whilst giving NOTHING in the way of support. This ends now. Although I am against taking my own life in protest, I hold no qualms with killing one of you "innocent" people as you wander through MY store. And another thing, now that I have informed you of the "New Way", I have every right to blame you for any apathy on my part, in regards to the upkeep of this site. That is all. Happy Holidays.
The history of yours truly in full detail, no obscenities censored. (actually, some are artifically added)
One of the more horrorific features of my macabre collection, the WAVS. Download the terror.
But seriously folks, hardly a week goes by before Vatslov gets himself into another wacky adventure!
Whenever life has you down, just read these inspiring words, stright from my fathers mouth....
Links of pain
(Last Disfigured 1/24/2001)
Individuals that have fallen prey to the trap that is the HOUSE OF PAIN!!
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