Meet Emma. The youngest one of the bunch and also the one with the multiple personalities. Sporting the "I'm a little girl all you crazy pedophiles out there," she seems to have attracted the nuts. The pedo most well known to me is a guy named Steve who thinks Danielle Fishelle has a cute butt and once said he sleep with an Emma doll if it came out. Scary I know. What's even scarier are the people who hang out in the teen starlet newsgroups. Anyways, I'm getting off the subject. There's a second type of guy she attracts, and that is 30 year old "sex is bad" bible thumping virgins. Go figure.

Now as for her second personality, she seems to want to sport the Puff Puff Girls look. When I first saw her, I thought she was the same girl from Willy Wonka who blew up into a big purple balloon.

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