4/24/00 - hey goo freaks ;) debbiegoo is having a free goo party on may 12th @2pm in Fremont, California. the deadline for RSVP`s is may 1st. so head on over to her goo site and let her know you wanna go. =)
"Quod me nutrit me destruit" |
"They put you in your place and they tell you to behave, but no one can be free until we`re all on even grade." -Ani DiFranco |
4/11/00 - okay, Charmed is airing on 4/27, tonight show skit is going to air on 4/13, & mad tv is airing on 4/29.........
Cool Music - Bitch & Animal ~ find `em here Lady Slipper Music |
4/6/00 - new goo collage - or whatever you wanna call it. - the goos were really good on leno they sounded good, had a lot of energy, and seemed really happy and into it. they`ll be on Charmed on 4/29 - if i`m wrong about that date let me know;) - and mad tv sometime in may. aaaaaahhhhhh well that`s it i guess - oh ...um...let me know what you think of the collage - or send in your own goo art;)~ |
3/15/00 - the goos will be on mad tv and charmed (wb tv show ?) this spring - but you probably already know that so, let`s see - oh yeah, here`s something to read - or ignore. (not a goo thang) go check out StopDrLaura.com, we need more people to help, emails,faxes, phone calls, and there will be a protest on march 21 - in L.A.you can also join in on the virtual vigil. if you want to help, or just don`t know what the hell i`m talking about go read more at the website. |
2/29/00- here`s the cover pic to the performing songwriter nov. 99 issue that the goos were featured in. you can order it @ www.performingsongwriter.com. not a goo clip, but take a look anyway. And here`s a little article i found about the grammy`s on salon.com.. |
2/26/00- okay, first of all poltically incorrect really sucked. the best part was when dennis miller told that sports writer off, she was such a moron. she had no idea what she was talking about. dennis miller and john were the only ones that seemed like they knew what they were talking about. how do they pick the guests anyway? i guess you don`t really need to be very intelligent.......aahhhhhh oh well. anyway, here are 2 petitions to copy and sign and send out to freinds. just read `em - see if you want to help or not. |
2/25/00- yesterday on live at 5 w/ the bull (on 103.3the edge) they played a goo song - to try to make buffalonians feel better after the goos lost at the bullshit grammy awards. sorry;) but it`s all based on popularity, sales and businness, music has nothing to do with it. anyway - they played a live version of "Don`t Change" - an INXS cover - it sounded REALLY good. please email me @ blackballoon20@yahoo.com - thanks - oh and here`s a goo collage -
Quote from NIN:) from the NIN website: A Fool`s Devotion
Music - Featured Artists - here are some independent musicians - and they are all really good - so go check them out - *READ ANI`S LYRICS - they`re the best lyrics - |
Ani DiFranco.org |
MP3`s Here |
AJ`s Not A Pretty Ani Page |
MP3`s Here |
Erin McKeown.com |
real audio playlist available
MP3`s Here |
AJ`s Erin McKeown Page |
Tegan and Sara.com |