SMA Camp I

"Burning Strong"


For those of you that did not come, grab someone that went and ask them about it!

Here are the photos that show photographic proof of fun, fellowship and most of all, God's presence.

MILLIONS of thankyous to the organisers : especially Sarah Wong (Camp I coordinator) and Vice President James Seow for doing so much work! Heaps of other people including Catherine Collins, Candy Thiel, Shun, and the list goes on and on. I won't even start for fear of leaving people out! These precious pages are dedicated to you my dear friends! Praise God for you!

click HERE for more photos!


The last day - Sunday Morning

Come and bow before your Maker. God convicted many of us that morning as we drew closer to Him!

The largest SMA camp ever, here we are eating some of the awesome food that Shun, Sarah and co cooked! Isn't the black and white artistic? J Well, okay okay so it looks a bit "prisonish" to say the least. It wasn't like that at all! It was very free and fun and no curfews or anything. I kept wanting to stay up but everyone keeps saying "Go to sleep sol, you have to preach tomorrow, you need rest". "but mum!" J

Here was my group - the "oldies". It was a very bonding Saturday afternoon! These games reminded me very much of Christianity. Walking with Jesus takes vision, effort, teamwork, patience, perseverence and trust!


Who could forget the mighty electric beast?

Poor Bethany knocked her mouth and had to get stitches, but she's okay now!

That's no excuse not to come to SMA camps though, it's a good excuse to refuse getting violently jerked around while you desperately try to hold on for dear life!


AWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwww look at that, such a close bunch of Dental students!

The dude on the very left looking rather happy is Jeffrey Ong, the editor - email all articles/photos to him!


There are heaps and I mean HEAPS more photos so click HERE for more!

Gosh, you've come all the way down to here, you must be hungry for more photographic evidence that :

  1. We actually had a camp
  2. SMA actually has people in it
  3. Camp was fun
  4. SMAers are a good looking bunch

Oh well, 3 out of 4 ain't bad (: heh

 To HOME!!!!!!!

Revised : May 2000-05-06

Copied Wrong 2000

Important small print : to make this look like this page has officially ended please bear with me. I don't know why you're reading this I really don't, so please stop. You can't can you? You can't! I bet you you can't! Want to bet? I bet you my car for your car. If you stop reading then I'll get my car to you… here are my details : HA! Well got you didn't I? nananananananan Okay that's enough small print. The End! Praise God! God is fantastic! Jesus Reigns!