The Bond Cars Page

Bond has always driven the most stylish, remarkable cars imaginable. Not only do his cars stand out by their charisma and sheer power, they have been specially modified by Q-branch to account for any eventuality. If only he could be trusted to take care of them...

The Q-Branch Cars

Aston Martin DB5

The most famous of all Bond's cars, the Aston Martin DB5
(registration number LU 6789 or BMT 216 A or 4711-EA-62) appeared in both Goldfinger and Thunderball. Among its array of gadgetry are two forward firing machine guns, rear firing water jets and oils slicks and an ejector seat for those unwanted passengers. A bullet proof shield protects the rear window, and revolving number plates make this car truly international. The Aston Martin is the personal favourite of Desmond Llewelyn.

Lotus Esprit

Probably the sportiest of Bond cars, 007's Lotus Esprit (registration number PPW 306 R) was laden with all sorts of electronic wizardry. Featured in The Spy Who Loved Me, its underwater modifications make it ideal for seaside getaways, and the rear firing mud sprayers always come in handy. Also equipped with surface-to-air missiles, depth charges, underwater smoke screens and torpedoes, the Lotus is one of Q's best efforts.

Bond also has a white Lotus Turbo Esprit (registration number OPW 654W) in For Your Eyes Only, but the anti-theft device incorporated by Q-branch is perhaps a little too effective. Later in the film, he drives a red Turbo Esprit (registration number OPW 678 W), which is well equipped with ski equipment.

Aston Martin V8

A stylishly designed vehicle, the Aston Martin Volante (registration number B549WUU) featured in The Living Daylights has plenty of optional extras. A wheel hub mounted laser is useful if you don't want to be overtaken. Described as 'winterised', the Aston also features spiked tyres, stabilising outriggers and turbo thrust. Dual forward facing missiles come as standard, and it gets Bond out of a couple of slippery scrapes before he is forced to use the factory fitted self-destruct button.

BMW Z3 Roadster

Not available until after the release GoldenEye, the BMW Z3 roadster is a 2-seater convertible with the standard Q-branch modifications. The roadster features a rear parachute, twin stinger missiles, an in-board satellite tracking unit and very nice bodywork. Although Bond also drives an Aston Martin DB5 (registration number BMT 214 A), the Z3 is his 'company car'.

BMW 750iAL

Featured in Tomorrow Never Dies, the BMW 750iAL conclusively proves that product placement can go too far in the Bond franchise. This boring businessman's car is saved only by the quality of the Q branch modifications, including roof mounted missiles, wire cutters under the BMW badge (placed conveniently at just the right height), self-inflating BMW tyres, re-inforced BMW windows and BMW bodywork, electric shock BMW theft deterrent and remote control via an Ericsson mobile phone. Fortunately, it doesn't last long.


The Z8 is the follow up roadster to BMW's popular Z3. Available only as a 2-seater convertible, the Z8 has a 400hp V8 engine. Following the success of their previous appearances in Bond films, BMW were desperate to get the Z8 in The World Is Not Enough. In order to have the car ready in time, BMW commissioned a British company to build a mock up of the Z8 for the film. Bond's car features side mounted missiles, remote operation, thermographic navigation, an information display on the windscreen, the very latest in interception counter measures, titanium armour and 6 beverage cup holders.

Other Cars

Sunbeam Alpine

Driven by Bond in Dr. No, the Sunbeam Alpine is involved in 007's first ever car chase. As the pursuing hearse bursts into flames at the bottom of a ravine, Bond quips, "I think they were on their way to a funeral".

Classic Bentley

Making its only appearance in From Russia With Love, Bond's classic Bentley is equipped with a car phone which was years ahead of its time.

Toyota 2000GT

In You Only Live Twice
, Bond is saved several times by Aki driving a white Toyota 2000GT Convertible, which is equipped with a TV monitor. Toyota never manufactured a convertible version of the 2000GT, so built two especially for the film.

Aston Martin DBS

George Lazenby was the new 007, and in On Her Majesty's Secret Service, the Aston Martin DBS was his new car. A classy six cylinder edition from the Aston Martin DB series released in 1969, Bond's new car ends up looking like an advert for a flower shop. No gadgets here, but the glove compartment concealed a sniper's rifle.

Mustang Mach I

Featured in the main car chase in Diamonds Are Forever, the Mustang Mach I screeched around the streets of Las Vegas performing some incredible stunts. The most memorable is an escape through a narrow alley way, in which the car drives on two wheels and only just manages to squeeze through the gap. A classic Bond blooper, the car enters the alley on the passenger's side wheels and leaves on the driver's side.

AMC Hornet

A Hornet is commandeered from the local AMC showroom by 007 in The Man With The Golden Gun. The Hornet is particularly memorable for performing Bond's incredible 360 degree mid-air roll as he uses a broken bridge to jump a river in pursuit of Scaramanga.

Citroen 2CV

Featured in For Your Eyes Only, Bond uses Melina Havleock's Citroen 2CV (registration number M-1026-A) when Q's anti-theft device on his Lotus Turbo Esprit is a little overblown. Although the 2CV is shot, battered and rolled down the hillside, it still manages to assist 007 and Melina in making their escape.


A Mercedes (registration number BT 36-72) containing stolen jewelry comes to 007's aid in Octopussy when he needs to catch up with a train carrying the escaping villain, Kamal Khan, and his henchmen. After losing its tyres, the car remarkably drives along the railway track, but does not survive its trip down the river.

Alfa Romeo GTV6

The property of a lady who was far too busy using the payphone, 007 steals an Alfa Romeo GTV6 in order to make the hazardous trip to an American Air Force base. The GTV6 performs well as Bond races against the clock to stop Kamal Khan's villainous scheme to detonate a nuclear device in the middle of Octopussy's circus.

Renault 11

In A View To A Kill, 007 commandeers a French taxi driver's Renault 11 in order to chase an assassin, who has made an escape by parachuting from the Eiffel Tower. The Renault has its roof chopped off, then gets cut in half as Bond watches the parachutist rather than the road.

Ferrari 355GTS

Xenia Onatopp's superb sports car, the red Ferrari 355GTS (registration number 437 NAC 75) has wonderful performance and sleek curves (somewhat like its driver). In GoldenEye, Xenia races Bond in his Aston Martin DB5 (registration number BMT 214 A) along a treacherous mountain road during 007's on-the-job evaluation.

Other Vehicles

Cagiva Motorbike

Making it's only appearance in the pre-title sequence of GoldenEye, the Cagiva is appropriated by 007 as part of a daring escape from his attack on a Russian nerve gas factory. The bike didn't last long after Bond drives it off the edge of a huge cliff in his attempt to catch up with the plane that is his only escape route.

BMW R1200C

Used in an exciting, but somewhat implausible, escape scene in Tomorrow Never Dies, Bond and Wai Lin misappropriate this R1200C Cruiser from a line of motorcycles in their attempts to evade Elliot Carver's henchmen. Isn't it convenient that 007 decided to pick the BMW?

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