The Homemade T-shirt One day, when Joshua was about 9 years old, it was coming time for the annual Spirit week at Ben Franklin Elementary. The specific day in mind was Sports day. Everyone was suppose to dress up in their favorite Miami Dolphin Gear. But, Joshua's family didn't always have extra money for fancy things like jerseys. So little creative Joshua decided that he would make his own t-shirt. It read, "I am a DOLFAN" and had a picture of the team helmet. It was done on a white undershirt with black magic marker. He proceeded to school that morning parading his homemade t-shirt with pride. But, The kids at Ben Franklin weren't as creative as little Joshua. So they laughed and made fun of him. Little did they know that he would later become an appreciated artist. He fought to be creative and to make the best of every situation. And now, look at him. He is changing the world before our very eyes. |