Yeah, we've all had our gripes with the Academy. Who knows what evil lurks in their strange little minds? But after all, there is something auspicious about that title: Academy Award Winning. It give you a little something to hope for when you pop that tape in the VCR, and a little excitement over that inevitable question of which loon they're going to give the award to next. Alright, alright. ;) So, I sometimes have gripes with their choices too - but despite my maledictions on their heads, the Academy does choose movies that represent the cream of the crop - movies that we remember for a long time, and that will go down in history as excellent works of that all that mumbo-jumbo is out of the way (I have a paragraph quota at this point of the page) - *ahem* "The Academy Award for Best Picture goes to..."

1927-1939 1940-1949 1950-1959 1960-1969

1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1998


1927-28: Wings
1928-29: Broadway Melody
1929-30: All Quiet On The Western Front
1930-31: Cimarron
1931-32: Grand Hotel
1932-33: Cavalcade
1934: It Happened One Night
1935: Mutiny On The Bounty
1936: The Great Ziegfeld
1937: The Life Of Emile Zola
1938: You Can't Take It With You
Gone With the Wind


Rebecca :1940
How Green Was My Valley :1941
Mrs. Miniver :1942
Casablanca :1943
Going My Way :1944
The Lost Weekend :1945
The Best Years Of Our Lives :1946
Gentleman's Agreement :1947
Hamlet :1948
All The King's Men :1949


1950: All About Eve
1951: An American In Paris
1952: The Greatest Show On Earth
1953: From Here To Eternity
1954: On The Waterfront
1955: Marty
1956: Around The World In 80 Days
1957: The Bridge On The River Kwai
1958: Gigi
1959: Ben-Hur


1970: Patton
1971: The French Connection
The Godfather
1973: The Sting
1974: The Godfather Part II
1975: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
1976: Rocky
1977: Annie Hall
1978: The Deer Hunter
1979: Kramer Vs. Kramer


1990: Dances With Wolves
1991: The Silence of the Lambs
1992: Unforgiven
Schindler's List
1994: Forrest Gump
1995: Braveheart
1996: The English Patient
1997: Titanic
1998: Shakespeare In Love

Some Cool Links:
The Academy Itself