Yeah, we've all had our gripes with the Academy. Who knows what evil lurks in their strange little minds? But after all, there is something auspicious about that title: Academy Award Winning. It give you a little something to hope for when you pop that tape in the VCR, and a little excitement over that inevitable question of which loon they're going to give the award to next. Alright, alright. ;) So, I sometimes have gripes with their choices too - but despite my maledictions on their heads, the Academy does choose movies that represent the cream of the crop - movies that we remember for a long time, and that will go down in history as excellent works of that all that mumbo-jumbo is out of the way (I have a paragraph quota at this point of the page) - *ahem* "The Academy Award for Best Picture goes to..."
1927-1939 1940-1949 1950-1959 1960-1969