The need to waste time and spout my opinion has given birth to yet another somewhat useless page. :) Well, I hope that this one is somewhat constructive and useful to someone *grin*. In the real world, people are PAID to babble about movies. Can you believe that? *chuckle* Well, without further ado, on we go! Oh, wait. Make sure to look at the last category on this page before you click on anything else. (Aren't I so funny? I'm acting like someone will come here someday! *heheh*)*smile*
Classic Films
Some of my favorite old 'classic' films with brief plot summaries, and including bios of my favorite actors and actresses from yesteryear. :) |
Best Pictures
I don't know how the Academy chooses it's movies, but for the most part, there are some goodies here. |
AFI 100
The American Film Institute's top 100 films from the past 100 years. There are some really good classics in this list and some newer movies too. :) |
My Favorites
Spotlights on my personal favorites that I watch over and over and over and over... |
Current Films
My pages on some of the newer movies that are out in the theatres right now...or, knowing my habits, WERE out in the theatre recently. ;) |
My Stars
Some of my favorite actors and actresses of today and little tidbits about their oh-so-interesting lives. *chuckle* |
TV Shows
I don't indulge all THAT much anymore - but TV can still be pretty cool sometimes. Some of my favorite shows. ;) |
Links (including one to my "Me,Me,Me" page...heheh), credits, articles, thoughts, news, etc. Don't expect too much though. ;) |
My Button
This is my "Home" button. Think Dorothy's shoes in the Wizard of Oz..except not as much work. ;) All's ya have to do when you see one is to click on it, and it'll bring you back here, wherever you are on my pages. Okay. That's it! :) |