By Denise Felton

I love Eric and Greta as a couple. I hope that they will always be together. I know that all couples have their trials and tribulations that they must go through, but please let them remain as a couple. The two bring something wholesome to Days that has been missing recently.

Thank you Days for putting them together.

By Melinda

i would like the to keep these to together they r great for each other.Greta should fight hard for Eric. Eric should forget about Nicole is lieing,cheating,minipulating person she dont deserve Eric.

By Brittany

I think that Eric and Greta are not on All the time. If this Is supose to be a new love couple, they could atleast come on for a whole week.

By Maggie S

I could kill the writers for what they are doing to Eric and Greta's charming little romance. When they came back from France, I was dying to see their love story develop - as I thought the two of them were so adorable and funny together. They really seemed to like each other, too! Unfortunately, now that they're back in Salem the writers have predictably thrown in the Nicole Factor and Eric is acting like an idiot (IMHO). Now, with Greta having to keep her mother's dirty little secret and Nicole dangling her pictures in the background (among other things!) I'm afraid this sweet little romance is doomed! It's not fair -- some of us prefer romance to blatant sex scenes, and we've been betrayed by this turn of events!

By Special K

I think that Eric and Greta are great toogether. There is only one problem. The problem is is that Greta is too worried about Eric still being in love with Nicole. Yeah she has a right to be because of what happened during the photo shoot but, still come on! she needs to give Eric some more slack!

By Maggie

These two have that certain something that only a few couples have . . . a magic in the way they look at each other. They don't even have to kiss - when they look deep in each other's eyes, it's sexier than an R rated movie (in my humble opnion). I just love to watch them interact, and I'm afraid the writers are going to turn Eric into such a jerk that I won't want him for Gretta anymore - and that would be sad 'cause I don't think she could light up the screen as much with anyone else. Here's hoping they don't make him into a Nicole wimp again.

By M. Jones

Please keep these two as a couple, they are great together. Don't let Nichole split them up.

By Rachelle

Eric and Greta are the BEST COUPLE there EVER was on days. The way she looks into his eyes, The feelings she has towards him are unreal you can see it right through her eyes into her heart. They belog together. It would look real good on Nichole for doing that to Eric, sweet as he is.

By Danielle

I really enjoy seeing Eric and Greta together. It is really beautiful when i see them holding together and just... being together. I don't think Nicole should be interfering with Eric and Greta. It was Nicole's fault that Eric and Greta are together. I hope it will stay like that. I can't wait until they get married. I want to see them be happy together and not Nicole and Eric. Nicole is a tramp and I don't like her. She is self-centered. She put money as her first priority and not love. ERIC AND GRETA IS THE GREATEST COUPLE!

By Terri

Come on, all you writers at Days. You took Carrie & Mike away from us, (and in my opinion they were THE COUPLE OF THE CENTURY!), so give us something new to hope for - ERIC & GRETA!!!!!! Can't Days have at least ONE couple who live happily ever after? And by the way, about all the transfering of people's memories from one to another - ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!

By Teresa

I think the matching of Eric and Greta is wonderful. They make such an awesome couple. Nicole doesn't hold a candle to Greta. I hope they don't bring Nicole in to it, but it is a soap so anything can happen. I would love to see them court, have a Salem wedding, etc. Please put Eric and Greta together.

By andreanne

I am so happy about this blomming romance. The fact that it's in Paris makes it even more magical. Ilove the way the show is building the relationship. They have a solid frienship and he listens to her comferts her and she helps him get over Nicole. It has unspoken love written all over it. I look foward to watching Days every day because of those two. I hope that Days will give them a storyline. Just think of the look on Nicole's face if they came back to Salem as a couple! What a delight it would be!

By Mia

Gee, I thought I was the only one that thought Eric and Greta should be together. They are both adorable and would make a terrific couple. That is if Nicole doesn't start trouble.

By Lisa

i think that they should be a couple. they would be prefect for each other.

By LaurieB

Eric and Greta have more chemistry than any other couple on Daytime TV right now. It it my utmost hope that they DO become a PERMENANT couple. They definitely have all of the components to become DOOL's next SuperCouple!! BUT! Rumor has it that Lucas and Nicole get a divorce, in order for Sami to gain full custody of Will. This also poses a problem for those of us who are devout Eric and Greta I right? Everyone knows how DOOL loves love triangles... are they going to do this to our couple??? Probably so. They are already playing up the fact that Nicole can't forget about Eric. Let's all root for Greta and Eric to maintain their great chemistry and (potential) romance!

By Lauren

I have been rooting for these two since I saw them on screen for the first time. They compliment each other so well. They are both so full of love and they need to share it, why not with each other. Now they are friends, but isn't that the starting point for most great romances? I have only one more thing to say. ERIC KISS HER FOR GOODNESS SAKE!

By Kathy

Like all the other fans, I truly believe that Eric and Greta will the next supercouple in the soap opera worl moving on to the millenium. Jensen Ackles and Juliann Morris played out their roles beautifully. What's so nice about them is that both Eric and Greta are fairly new to love. They are still innocent and fragile. I hate Nicole for hurting Eric the way she did, no matter how bad she feels, or how many times she thinks of Eric. Eric and Greta have wonderful chemistry, but I do have this feeling that Eric would be oblivious to Greta's feelings toward him or even his true feelings toward Greta. I would really like to see DAYS writers move the story along. It is too good and they should show Eric and Greta more. Thanx. =)

By Sarah

I think that Jensen Ackles is a very talented, attractive, bright young actor. I love to watch him on Days, and I can't wait to see what new heights his career takes him to.

By Beverley

Eric and Greta definately should get together. They already have the crush thing going on and you can tell they are going to be together. The reasons they should get together is 1) They both want same kind of relationship if they were ever going to have a relationship 2) They both don't wanna get hurt if they fall in lvoe (again) 3) Both know the consequences of a broken heart 4) They are both sweet, trusting and genuine people 5) THEY HAVEN'T HAD THEIR BRAINS PICKED AT!

By Missy

i think that they should be as a couple as all of u do.

By Erin

I think the writers should pair these two together. It is obvious that they like each other so why not give them a chance.

By Val

I am so disappointed with how Days has been lately. Sheesh!! Get Eric with Greta! Carrie and Mike! Hope and Bo! Keep Marlena with John! Kurt and the Real Princess Gina! And if you are the writers or producers of Days please listen to fans of the show. We are the reasons why the show is popular!!!!!!

By Shai

I like this couple very much!! Greta is the perfect person for Eric and vice-versa. It's fun to watch this pair.I can't explain, but they just go together in a genuine kinda way. Finally DAYS has made a suitable match for us to watch! Hopefully, they won't rewrite the story. Like everyone says, they have great chemisty!!

By dany

It kind of fits eh. If Greta turns out to be John's daughter and I truly hope that she does it is only fitting perhaps fate that Eric would fall in love with her. Was never a big fan of Eric and Nicole. Jensen deserves a better storline, and Greta is truly a pleasure to watch. Cheers to them.

By Brianne

I think that this is one of the best moves that Days has done in a long time. Eric is finally getting over that cheat Nicole, and Greta is just the person to help him do so. This mission to help her find out what happened to her mother is going to bring them even closer than they were already becoming. I would love to see them paired up for a long time, because they have the potential to become Days' next supercouple.

By julia

imo it's time for eric to forget about nicole and start up with another woman, mainly greta. they have so much chemistry together, much more than eric and nicole did and it'd be nice to see him with a woman who isn't just out for $$, but truly loves him.

By Christi

Jensen Ackles and Julianne Morris are two gifted and talented actors. The writers made a good move in putting their characters, Eric and Greta, into the same story. Good job, Days!

By Mary R.

It's about time DOOL got Eric & Greta paired together. I never liked Eric with Nicole, no chemistry. With these two paired there is that chemistry, they work well together, what a cute couple! I have watched Days since 1988, I only have had two favorite couples, Steve & Kayla and Bo & Hope(still waiting for them to get back together)! And now I finally have another pair to root for, go Greta & Eric.

By Amanda

Listen up DAYS writers!!! You better make Eric and Greta a couple coz they deserve it. They need people who appreciate each other and have stuff in common. I'm sure it would make DAYS a lot more interesting that it is now. I take that back, the storyline imporved a little bit but the past couple weeks have been "borrrringggg." Oh yeah, and make sure their official "couple-dom" is interesting. One more thing, please DON'T have Stefano and Gina drug Bo and brainwash him coz that would REALLY SUCK!!! This brainwashing stuff is really annoying! No offense to anyone who does like that stuff. Thank You.

By Jamie

I think eric and greta have the potential to be days next supercouple. TPTB just have to realize this. Days has a lot of potential with the couple. I love them both. They are both great actors and have a lot of chemistry.

By Dee

Since the first time they started hooking Eric with certain characters, I never thought that any of them would last. Now that I see these two together, I believe that sparks will fly between them. They will be the next super couple and I would love to see another Salem Wedding again!!!!!!

By Amber

From the little we've seen of these two together, they are fantastic! They are both talented actors and they play off of eachother very well. They have fabulous chemistry and potential. I'd love to see their friendship blossom into something more.


It's great to see Eric and Greta together. They seem so perfect for each other! It is important for the writers to understand that we need a couple that we can actually like for a change. Eric and Greta are that couple!

By Missy

They have great chemistry and potential. I love them!

By Lyndsey

Eric and Greta are the future of Days! It's so nice to see two characters who are both sweet and innocent and can have fun together. This show is in desperate need of a new supercouple and I think Eric and Greta fit that bill. I look forward to watching their relationship grow over time. They look so wonderful together and both have a nice spark and charisma. I'm so happy 'the powers that be' integrated them both into the same storyline because I was ready to give up on Days. Now I have something to look forward to and something I can cheer for. It's good that Eric is moving on from Nicole, and that Greta has stopped following Bo around like a puppy dog. Together they are great and I can't wait to see what their future will bring.

By Melissa

I absolutely adore Eric and Greta! I think they're the best thing to happen to Days of Our Lives in a long time. Finally we have a new couple that a lot of people like and are rooting for. They both deserve love in their lives and have such nice chemistry together. They're the only reason I keep watching the show at this point in time. I hope they officially get together soon and become a big hit.

By Lea

Love them! Love them! Love them! Greta and Eric are both sweet and likeable characters and are on the same wavelength. With a good story surrounding them, they could be so great together.

By Karina

They're my favorite couple! Well, my favorite "kind of" couple. They will be soon. I just know it. They play off each other really well and both have sparkles in their eyes in their scenes with one another. I hope this lasts for a long time........

By Helena

Eric and Greta are really cute together. Greta's much better than Nicole, that's for sure! Loved it when Nikki saw them together and got all jealous. Eric has to realize that the woman for him is right there with him in Paris. I hope they find Greta's worn-out mother soon, wrap up that storyline, and then let them embark on one of their very own. I see great, great potential.
