Fan Encounters

Have you ever been lucky enough to meet either Jensen Ackles or Julianne Morris? If so, please e-mail me and tell me all about it (and if you have a picture, send that too)! You can share your experience with all of us. For the time being, here are some stories from those lucky souls who have already had the chance to meet them.

Jensen Encounter
By Beverley

August 14, 1999 in Toronto, Canada

I woke up so early for him (6 am) and waited in line until 11:45 am. I was one of the first in line and was in first row for the question answer period. I got a wave from him too!! =) This is kinda weird but me and my friend noticed that everyone had gifts for him. Well not EVERYONE but most people. So we looked for a gift for him. We wanted to be original so when we found a HUGE plastic crayon piggy bank thing, we knew we had found his gift. We bought a blue bow to put on it and a letter from us. When it came time to get our things signed (a picture of him that costed me $5), I gave him the big crayon. He said, "Wow, a big crayon. Just what I wanted. You can never have enough of those." We started laughing (i have no idea why, i guess just the situation) and took some great pics. They also had "polaroid shots with Jensen" on sale ($8) and I bought one of those. I got a pic with him *sigh* and with my friend too cuz she made me let her come in with us... OHHH it was so great! He said that he loved the Canadian fans the best because we go crazy everytime he comes. He probably was just saying that because we were insane while he was out there and also cuz me and my friend had our big, somewhat pointy crayon there that could easily be used as a...well u get the idea. That's all the stuff i remember now.

Visit Beverley's Julianne Morris Page

Jensen Encounter
By Tracey

Jensen was just as kind, sweet, and hot as everyone said. I gave Jensen a belated b-day gift Ruth (a friend) made. It was a sketch of Eric and Sami that I framed and wrapped up. JENSEN TOTALLY LOVED IT. He was GENUINELY touched by my thoughtfullness and my friend's talent. He couldn't get over how fantastic a job she did. He told me that this is the most thoughtful gift he ever received. Jensen said he will defintiely put it up in his dressing room and Ali (Sami) will be jealous and want one too. During the Q&A I was the second one to go up and handed him the wrapped gift and explained it was supposed to be an early b-day gift, but now it was belated. He said "Thank You, that was so sweet." Then he hugged me. While I was up on the makeshift stage with him, I showed him the copy of his Official Fan Club Newsletter my story was printed in (the contest to write Eric's new storyline that I won) and he said "I want to read it." He read it at the table, during the meet and greet part of the day. He sat next to me and on my chair for that matter. There was an empty seat at our table and my brother moved down to take a pic of me near Jensen, while he was squatting on the floor. I moved into my brother's seat and patted the chair telling him to sit. He replied "Thanks". I got a number of pics of me and Jensen one in which he has his arms around me, and one of Jensen and Josh Taylor that Jensen posed especially for me cuz I called his name, and one of me, Jensen and Josh (all photos are posted on my site under Appearance). Both guys were great. When Josh came over individually to meet each fan and I stood up next to him to take the pic, he had his arm around me and rested his cheek on the top of my head. Too bad Jensen didn't do that, BUT. . . All in all it was a dream come true and I loved every minute of it.

Visit Tracey's Jensen Ackles Page

Jensen Encounter
By Mandy

I met Jensen in my hometown of Oklahoma City July 1998 at the water amusement park White Water Bay. It took like forever to meet him because of the long line, but it was definitely worth it. He has the most gorgeous eyes you'll probably ever see. And the year before that, at that same place, I met Austin Peck. He's so tall and kind of cute but nothing compared to how fine Jensen is!

Jensen Encounter
By Brandy

He was so awesome! We drove to Barrie, Ontario, Canada (2 hours away) to meet him at a mall. :) He said some spoilers, that he and greta dig up the real princess' grave. and that the writers are experimenting with sami and austin. He also said that he has a girlfriend :( but as long as he's happy. He is a real looker, very cute! and extremely nice! We(my sister and I) both got autographed pictures from him and had our picture taken with him. He actually said "hi hows it going" to me! hehe and when I said thanks for the photo he said "no prob" :) Definitly made my day...week...ok...summer!! :)

Jensen Encounter
By Jamie

I met him in March of 1998. It was in Youngstown, Ohio. It was called Women's Source 98. Well i arrived at 10 or 11 o clock in the morning. And jensen didn't arrive till 1:00. I had front row to his question and answer session. Which he did first. I acually got a really nice pic of him, becuz he saw my mom holding up the camera and posed for her!!!!! All the other girls were sooooooo jealous. Anywayz after about a 30-40 min session he did autographs and pictures. Of course i got a autograph and some pics of me and him. He was so sweet to all of us. His girlfriend was also there. She is VERY pretty. After the autograph session he did a MC'd a fashion show. After the fashion show was over i left. It was so much fun and he is so adorable. I would love to meet him again.

Julianne Encounter
By Ari

Julianne Morris is indeed beautiful. In person she looks just flawless. Her character is so amazing. She doesn't hold the spite that the other actresses are known for, yet she shows a side of a character not too common to daytime.. Something real. Meeting her was wonderful. She truly loves her fans.. And we love her!

Jensen and Julianne Encounter
By Julianne

I actually met Jensen and Julianne at a charity softball game in South Carolina. They were so funny and fun to be around. I actually won something of Julianne's and she signed it: To Julianne(that's my name too) Thanks for sharing your name with me! It was so neat. When I saw them that night and asked her to sign a picture she remember me when I told her my name. I was so happy. Jensen was just standing there saying, "Oh so you're the other Julianne?" Then, the next day I saw Jensen and Julianne and she walked up to me and said thanks for coming to see us this weekend Julianne, I hope you come again. I couldn't talk. It was the experience of a lifetime.

Thank you to everyone who shared your experience! If we could all be so lucky... :-)