Ocarina of Time
All the Heart Pieces
oLon Lon Ranch - In the shed at Lon Lon Ranch, move the crate to reveal a secret hole in the wall.
oDodongo's Cavern - When you're Young Link, plant a Magic Bean at the mouth of the cave.
Come back when you're Adult Link and a stalk has grown there. Climb the stalk to find the Heart Piece.
oHyrule Field - Near the path leading to Lake Hylia, there's a section of grass that's fenced in on all sides.
Throw a bomb into the center of that area to uncover a secret grotto. oLon Lon Ranch
- At the north end of the ranch, detonate a bomb at the base of the tree to reveal a secret grotto.
oKakariko Village - When you're Young Link, go to Death Mountain and get a ride from the owl.
He'll drop you on a roof in Kakariko Village. Drop down to the awning below and go into the house.
oKakariko Village - Use your Longshot to get on top of one of the houses in town. Talk to the man you find there.
oKakariko Graveyard - During the night, when you and Dampe are wandering the graveyard,
you'll find the Heart Piece while he digs. oKakariko Windmill
- After you race Dampe's Spirit through the cavern, play the Song of Time for him.
A blue stone will disappear on one side of the cave, opening a path to the windmill.
Follow the path and once you get inside the windmill, you'll find the Piece of Heart.
oKakariko Graveyard - After you win the race against Dampe's Spirit, he'll give you a Piece of Heart.
oHouse of Skulltula - After you collect 50 golden tokens come back to the House of Skulltula and get
a Piece of Heart from the now freed child.
oKakariko Graveyard - While you're Young Link, plant a Magic Bean in the corner of the graveyard.
Come back when you're Adult Link to climb the stalk and claim a Piece of Heart.
oKakariko Graveyard - When you're walking around the graveyard,
you'll see something odd about one of the stones.
Pull the stone and go into the secret passage. Then play the Sun's Song to get the Heart Piece.
oZora's River - As you go up Zora's River, you'll see a group of frogs. Play the Song of Storms for them.
oZora's River - Keep on playing all the songs you know for the frogs and they'll give you another
Piece of Heart before you go.
oZora's River - Take a cucco from the riverbank and use him to fly up to a plateau. There,
take another cucco to reach the Piece of Heart. oZora's River - At the entrance to Zora's Domain,
you'll see the Piece of Heart on a ledge far from your reach. To get it, go back to the place
where you found the cucco along the riverbank and take him back to that spot. Jump off the path
and you'll be able to get the Heart Piece! oMarket - Win the game and get to the final
room to get the Piece of Heart. oMarket - When you play and win the Bombchu Bowling game,
you'll get random prizes. If you keep winning, eventually you'll get the Piece of Heart as a prize.
oMarket - Find the woman whose dog ran away. Help her get it back by waiting until nightfall.
Then, look near the Bazaar to find it and give it back to the woman for a Piece of Heart.
oLost Woods - Go through the Woods until you reach the mysterious Skull Kid.
When he urges you to, take out the Ocarina and play Saria's Song.
After hearing the song, he'll give you the Heart Piece. oLost Woods
- Go even deeper into the Lost Woods and you'll reach two Skull Kids.
When they ask you to join them as they sang, play the Ocarina and follow along the song.
Then, they'll give you the Piece of Heart. oZora's Domain
- There's a hidden chamber behind the waterfall.
Light up a Deku Stick and go behind the waterfall where you'll find several more torches.
Light them all and a chest containing the Piece of Heart will appear. oZora's Fountain
- When you go to Zora's Fountain as Adult Link, it will all be frozen like ice.
Find the ice block with the Heart Piece inside and pry it loose from the ice to claim it! oIce Cavern
- As you go through the Ice Cavern, you'll come across a red ice block with a Piece of Heart inside.
Get a bottle full of blue flame and put it over the red ice to get the Piece. oZora's Fountain
- When you get the Zora Tunic and the Iron Boots, submerge yourself under the lake in Zora's Fountain.
There, you'll find the Piece of Heart. oDeath Mountain Crater: Enter the Crater with the Goron Tunic
on and as Adult Link, then explore the crater walls to find the Piece of Heart.
oDeath Mountain Crater - Inside the Crater, climb up the stalk that grew from the Magic Bean.
Then, go up the towering spire to reach the Heart Piece. oGoron City - Light all the torches on the
lower level of the city to make the giant urn spin. Run up to the upper level and throw a Bomb into
the urn's open top to get a prize. Hopefully, it'll be the Piece of Heart! oLake Hylia
- Go to the Fishing Pond and catch the biggest fish in the pond to get the Heart Piece.
oLake Hylia: After you get the Golden Scale, dive into the well in the lab next to Lake Hylia.
There, you'll find the Piece of Heart. oLake Hylia - When you're Young Link, plant the Magic Bean
in the spot near the lab by Lake Hylia. Come back when you're Adult Link and climb the stalk to
reach the top of the lab. Up there waiting for you is a Piece of Heart! oGerudo Fortress
- On you way to Gerudo Fortress, you'll see a waterfall. Take a cucco and jump through the
waterfall into a secret chamber. There, you'll find the Heart Piece. oGerudo Fortress
- On the opposite side of the waterfall, you'll see a narrow canyon.
Take a cucco and jump off the bridge and land on the ledge far below to get the Piece of Heart.
oGerudo Fortress - While you're exploring the inside of the Fortress, look up and use the
Hookshot on the exposed roof chest. You'll reach the Piece of Heart there, too! oGerudo Fortress
- While you're riding Epona, your horse through Gerudo Fortress, you have to shoot at targets.
If you score over 1,000 points, you'll win the Piece of Heart. oSpirit Temple
- When you are Young Link, plant a Magic Bean near the Temple's entrance.
Then, come back later as Adult Link when the stalk has grown. Climb up it to find the Piece of Heart.
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