click to hear Froggy Sounds

Now that's a BIG Green Booger!

Click on the thumbnails to enlarge..
right click on the enlargement
and Save As for wallpaper!

AN080[1].gif (17168 bytes)

It's FUN to Play with Sticky Boogers!

AN095[1].gif (17361 bytes)

Booger's Family!

AN1000[1].gif (13185 bytes)

C-Ya Around the Lillypad!

AN1098[1].gif (11837 bytes)

Booger's Back Yard!

makes cool wallpaper too!


Check out these Riviting Frog Java's
Use your back button to return to see the next one

Neat Froggy Java #1

Neat Froggy Java #2

Neat Froggy Java #3

Neat Froggy Java #4

Neat Froggy Java #5

Neat Froggy Java #6

Neat Froggy Java #7

Froggy Java photos used with
permission by Copyright @ Corel Inc.

Fresh New Boogers are here!

These animated GIFS are available
for Download at One of These Locations.

Kikkers by Lucy Rand
Fantastic Arts
Tranquil Convulsions
Fantastic Arts
Media Graphics

ALL Photos: Copyright 2001 @ Cybersherrie
except for Java
for any other use than personal wallpaper
Please e-mail me for permission