Hollywood Smells Dollars
So without much thought or hesitation hollywood has brought out a sequel to the cult classic "The Crow".  Not known as simply The Crow 2, but as "The Crow City of Angels".  So how does this film stack up to the original?  Well let's just say this film will no doubt go down as one of the worst sequels ever made.  Not that this movie was the worst movie ever made, it just didn't contain the same magic that the first film contained.  And it's hard not to compare it to the first film (Quite possibly the best film ever made).  Critics who really liked the film say you can't compare it to the original or try to think of it as if there never was an original Crow movie.  This is just a bunch of crap because sequels will ALWAYS be compared to the originals.
Believe in the Power of Another
So this time around we have a father and son murdered instead of a young couple in love.  However that's about where the writers ran out of new idea's.  Basically it'a another gang that has a certain control over a city (LA in this case) with it's Omuness leader, his dark little blind profit who seems to know about the crow, and your 4 typical henchmen.  And so on Ashe Corvin is our new hero rising from the dead to make the wrong things right.
However ashe can't seem to think for himself so basically the Crow guides him around so he can kill off each bad person one by one.  Sarah who is supposively from the first film also helps him in  his quest.  And like the first film the 4 thugs are killed with ease and the boss of the gang is able to find the weekness of our hero.
The Final Verdict
Okay so many of your must be thinking that I thought there where actually no redeming features of this film.  Well if your thinking that then your mostly right.  Even though this film didn't contain the same magic as the first film it still had it's moments.  Although not as tragic and as sad as the plot from the first film this film still had a kind of sad overtone of it's own.  The movie score was beutifully made and fit the movie perfectly.  However that was to be expected since it was made by the same artist who made the score for the first film.  The soundtrack fit perfectly to with it's rock riffs and what not.  Also not straying too far from the orignal was the films dark atmosphere.  Although I don't have any idea why they made the whole film have a kind of yellow tint to it.  I mean you can see what I mean buy just looking at the pics I have on this page.  There was nothing wrong with the acting, it just that Ashe (Vincent Perez) is hard to understand sometimes.  I give this movie a 4 out of 10.
The number of times I've seen The Crow City of Angels 19.