hope you like the article i wrote about you for journalism. i was sure to include your love for road dogg & this page. oh -- & thanks again for the confirmation presents! =]
~ lori
01/12/00 00:48:13
Name: Melissa |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: sure |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: b/c he is SEXY |
Road Dogg is an awesome wresler not ot mention he is sexy as hell! Great page!!
"Oh you didn't know?! Your A$$ better call somebody!!
01/05/00 18:27:59
Name: Rena |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: sure |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: EVERYTHING |
i just wanna say that ur bio on da dogg is not completely acurate his last name is not armstrong really it is just plain brian james i also wanna say that this site is phat!!
01/04/00 03:03:04
Name: kelly |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 13 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: I think I did |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Cute,Funny and everything else! |
I Love the Road Dogg. He is the Best wrestler ever.
Nobody likes him more than me!
and by the way great site!
12/29/99 17:09:00
Name: Kristina Esckelson |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 13 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: everything |
Road Dogg Rules
12/21/99 00:08:12
Name: LeeAnn Cutts |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: That he cares so much about kids that he takes time for his life to show it unlike some of the other superstars in the wwf. |
How long have you been whaching wreslting.
12/17/99 04:11:25
Name: Jessie James (really this is my name) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: ???? |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: What's not to like? |
I just felt like signing the guestbook. OH YEAH I LOVE ROADDOGG!!!!
12/15/99 15:20:08
Name: A-L-I-DOuble F |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 13 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: maybe |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: the way he fight |
its me its me its the A - L - I double F . and i think thAT this page should have some more picture of D-o- GG
12/15/99 02:53:46
Name: Jenn Olson |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: YES! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: EVERYTHING! |
I swear! I know he is married and has kids! But I LOVE Road Dogg1!!! I want to marry him when I grow up! I find him perfect!!!! I was just like u! I started out liking X-PAC! Then I went to BA BILLY GUNN! But now, and forever my heart is set on Road Dogg!
! :o) I love u r page!
12/12/99 06:49:48
Name: Ashley |
My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 13 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: hell yeah |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: his ass,hair,tattoo's, and his shake rattle and role!!!!!!! |
I think road dogg is the man and should be voted for the hottest wwf wrestler ALIVE... GET THE PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12/11/99 20:33:19
Name: Kelly |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 13 1/2 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: sure |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: He's just the best |
Road Dogg is my favorite wrestler ever! I am his biggest fan! people email me sometime!!
12/11/99 19:27:59
Name: Cynthia |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Maybe |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: his hair & his sm;le |
Roaddog is goodlooking " & funny!
12/03/99 02:51:47
Name: Kristi |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: I'm the Secretary |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Every single detail! |
Katie, I absolutely love this site! And in my opinion, it is the best!
12/02/99 04:52:15
Name: Amy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 27 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Maybe |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Everything |
Roaddog is the sexiets man alive' he's very very sweet also' i met him briefly last year in nc' he also emailed me back when i sent him e mail' he's one dogg i'd love to give some treats too!!
12/02/99 04:29:47
Name: Roadie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 15 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Yeah, sure. That would be sweeet!!! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: I like EVERYTHING about Road Dogg. From his looks to his personality to his wrestling style. He's a sweet guy and I love him to pieces. |
This is a sweeeet site!!! Very cool.
12/01/99 20:35:52
Name: John Dale |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: everything. espicially when he does it doggy style |
He is one of the best wrestlers ever, behind The Rock and Stone Cold. He is awesome with BA Billy Gunn. They should have the tag team titles always. I also think that Road Dogg should get a WWF title shot and soon.
12/01/99 20:20:25
Name: Josh Harrell |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: His attitude, his dreadlocks, and his personality in general |
Ever since The D O double G first came to the Federation, he has been an inspiration to me and all my friends. As long as he keeps entertaining the fans the way he is, his popularity will only rise. Road Dogg is an icon, who deserves more than anything
o be the WWF champion. When is he going to get his shot?? Well, that's all I got to say about that. Keep doin' it DOGGYSTYLE!! We're behind the Dogg all the way. Peace!
11/28/99 03:03:13
Name: Tami Kunz |
My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 13 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: He is HOTT!!! |
The Road Dogg is the hottest wrestler since I have been watching wrestling, and I hope he stays that way.
11/24/99 22:44:42
Name: Antony Contero |
My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 12 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: cool moves |
he is cool
11/24/99 18:21:31
Name: Aysha Abraham |
My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 13 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: his cool |
I think my Road Dogg sould get a litle more credit.I also think he should get more pichers of him.
11/24/99 16:12:47
Name: Melanie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 20 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: definitely |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: absolutely gorgeous, great body and butt and has lots of charisma |
great webpage. couldn't live without my daily dose of the Dogg!
11/24/99 07:48:34
Name: Lisa |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 12 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: He is nice and cute! |
This is a real good page!
11/22/99 03:02:47
Name: RoadDogg14 - Webmaster |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: I have my own |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Everything |
Well, I'm a TRUE number 1 Road Dogg fan, I liked him from the start, not after randomly picking others. Pics are good.
11/21/99 19:21:12
Name: Jamie |
My URL: Visit Me |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: I'm not sure |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: I like it in the dogg house |
Why is it Road dogg that HHH has such a attitude
11/20/99 16:22:03
Name: Arsalan Khawaja |
My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 11 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: do'in it doggystyle |
11/17/99 01:56:21
Name: limpgurl |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: alread there baby! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: his sexy body, his sexy voice, sexy dance moves *lol*, sexy hair... |
hey katie! i absolutely love your site!! it's bookmarked and everything. don't give up this site!! i still wanna do the article!! email me! bye now!
11/16/99 02:29:49
Name: Melinda |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 12 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: no |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: his looks and shake rattle and roll |
You got a great page. i love the road dogg
11/15/99 01:53:06
Name: Joanne |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 12 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Everything |
You rock! I've been looking for a good site of him. Do you have a picture of his dog that green thing.
11/13/99 20:11:47
Name: Sarah |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 13 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: no |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: his FINE face and body |
I love him more than you do JENNIFER!!!!!
So there. HA-HA-HA!
11/13/99 11:52:50
Name: Luke |
My URL: Visit Me |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: No thanks |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: he is so energetic. |
He has the best entrance in the wwf. Shake, rattle and roll is the funniest move ever. He is just so cool, and DX kicks butt. I love his hair, it is so cool. But he could have a better finishing move than a pump handle slam. Also, I still want to know wha
"shiznit" is! (he says it during his charismatic entrance)
11/10/99 03:54:57
Name: amanda conroy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: cool |
very nice
cool great pictures and info
love it and the show
11/10/99 00:31:54
Name: Mad Maz |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Hell yeah |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: What he says |
Oh Road Dogg didn't know, my ass better call Road Dogg!!!!!!!!!
11/07/99 04:07:56
Name: Kymberly |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: YES! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: I don't know. hes just so amazing...Its just because hes ....him. |
I really liked your webpage. You seem to have a ginuine interest in the Road Dogg, But Hey! I AM GONNA MARRY HIM! Stay away! No, just kidding, but alls fair in true love and war =). Great page and keep it up! Plus, he lives close CLOSE to me. I bet i
i really tried, I could find where he lives!
Lovin the Dogg,
11/07/99 04:06:02
Name: Kymberly |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: YES! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: I don't know. hes just so amazing...Its just because hes ....him. |
I really liked your webpage. You seem to have a ginuine interest in the Road Dogg, But Hey! I AM GONNA MARRY HIM! Stay away! No, just kidding, but alls fair in true love and war =). Great page and keep it up!
Lovin the Dogg,
11/07/99 01:25:00
Name: Adam |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: ** |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: No thanx |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Becase he kicks @$$ |
Road dogg is the coolist wrestler in the world.
When hes dead iam going to be the next road dog
11/07/99 01:22:07
Name: Adam |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: No thanx |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Becase he kicks @$$ |
Road dogg is the coolist wrestler in the world.
When hes dead iam going to be the next road dog
11/06/99 17:51:36
Name: Emma Brett |
My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 13 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Everthing |
I think the Road Dogg is H.O.T and i love him loads.Plus he is a well known wrestler.
11/06/99 17:45:18
Name: Emma Brett |
My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 13 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Everthing |
I think the Road Dogg's website is GREAT and i think he is evan better.Plus i would love to know evan more about the Road Dogg and D.X.
11/02/99 01:43:53
Name: Breener |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: no thank you, but thanks for asking! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: i don't know who it is! |
This is a nice site.
10/29/99 15:22:03
Name: Kate Davis |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: charisma |
10/29/99 13:15:27
Name: Kevin |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 33 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Why not! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: He makes an invaluable contribution to the world of sports entertainment. |
The Dogg is the dog's...
10/26/99 05:52:57
Name: Christy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 21 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: I love his voice and the hip motion when he tells everyone about kicking it DOGGIE STYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention the cute little braids, and the southern accent!!!!!! |
10/22/99 17:23:41
Name: Sam (WWF Ammo) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Shake, Rattle and Roll |
Good site.
10/10/99 02:09:26
My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 16 |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Because he's so sexy and talented!!!! |
I love the Road Dogg and everything about him, and obviously so do you. Keep up the good work with the newsletter. I love it!
10/09/99 04:19:43
Name: Jessica |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: he is hott and he is a very well known wrestler |
10/02/99 01:42:24
Name: Dude Love |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 23 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: naw. |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Uh, i don't know. i guess he's good fighter. |
Nice scite. Let me know sometime whatcha think of mine. Thanks. Also, i don't think your counter werks. So yu might want to ficcs it.
09/26/99 22:10:55
Name: meggie |
My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 01 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: azzzzz |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: ffffffffff |
09/25/99 07:20:06
Name: Chris Murphy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: his charisma and never quit attitude |
it is really great to see the greatest tagteam
ever back together again.
09/21/99 02:22:40
Name: Lori |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 24 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: not really |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: well, his hair i guess |
nice site
09/19/99 02:06:06
Name: Fyne Chyna |
My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 19 |
Go and show your support for the Dogg's current gimmick with my survey. Help me keep the WWF from changing a great thing!
09/18/99 22:54:36
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 15 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: everything |
he is verry cut, verry funny,and he has a nice butt.
09/18/99 22:54:25
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 15 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: everything |
he is verry cut, verry funny,and he has a nice butt.
09/13/99 06:04:29
Name: Jen |
My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 19 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Already am a member |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: What's not to like? Brian is the man! |
I just want to send out my "get well soon" wish to our D-O-double-G. WE MISS YA BRIAN! Heal quickly, and spend some time with your family, they are very lucky people to have a guy like you around!
09/13/99 06:04:10
Name: Jen |
My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 19 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Already am a member |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: What's not to like? Brian is the man! |
I just want to send out my "get well soon" wish to our D-O-double-G. WE MISS YA BRIAN! Heal quickly, and spend some time with your family, they are very lucky people to have a guy like you around!
09/12/99 05:21:33
Name: Ryan McBain |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: none of your god damn business |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: nope |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: good psychology |
Cool site, I like it a lot. Keep up the good work.
09/09/99 02:28:11
Name: It's Me it's me it's the T-Y-LE-R |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 18 Buzzmillion! HA HAHAHAHAH |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: uhhhhh I'm a fan? uh-oh better leave! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: I dont HAHAHAHAHAHA hes GAY!!!! hahahahaha Road DUNG! |
Nice Site Kate I think that you should take a shower....ok if you wanna be JUST like road dogg that means that you are going to go have to shower on a regular basis none of this monthly crap!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH no I am just kidding kate you know me I am neve
r ever mean to you! right? I thought so......PEACE I AM OUTIE!!!
09/07/99 21:43:36
Name: Vicky |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: sure, why not? |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: How he apprciates his fans, his eyes, his smile, his charisma & you gotta love the dredlocks! |
Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls, children of all ages, D-Generation X, proudly brings to you, one of the most charismatic wrestlers in the WORLDDDDD!!!!!! The Road Dogg Jesse James!!! And if you ain't with DX and the D O double G, we got 2 for ya!
09/06/99 07:07:53
Name: Kalico The wicked Clown |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 21 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: no |
08/28/99 14:30:30
Name: Razor |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: No thanks...sorry |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Good mic skills, great wrestler, cool hair |
This is an awesome website...keep up the great work.
08/13/99 23:02:00
Name: T Dogg |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 12 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yeah!!!!!!! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: he the best |
Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages D-Generation X proudly brings to you I'm T to the R to the U to the E I'm That D-O- Double G The Road Dogg Jesse James and if you ain't down with that I got two words for ya S*CK IT hes the coolest
gotta like him
08/08/99 05:22:47
Name: Angela |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 27 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Already a member |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: What is there not to like about the D-O-doubleG! |
08/07/99 05:27:05
Name: izzy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: sure |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: everything |
i'm diggin the site man. killer ideas and all that shiznit. we're kickin it doggy style over at my place so check it out. i'm workin on it.
08/02/99 04:28:03
Name: Maryanne Freeman |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes please |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Everything (HEHEHEH) |
Thanks for putting together such a cool site!
07/31/99 19:30:26
Name: roadcase |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: heeheehee! |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: already a member! yay! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: his smile! (among MANY other things 8) |
the updated site looks great! keep up the good work!
07/29/99 22:47:45
Name: Jeremy Freeman |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Already have(I think!) |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: His Charisma |
An excellent site, worthy of such an excellent wrestler. Thanks for putting the effort in to make such an awesome site.
07/29/99 18:34:09
Name: kelly |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 13 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: EVERYTHING!! |
I LUV the Road Doggy Dogg he is my Fav wrestler ever. I like him more than anyone in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07/29/99 18:19:22
Name: Denessa |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 15 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: hell yes! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Everything!! His hair, voice, bod (even though he doesn't show much of it :( ), his eyes, He's just plain awsome!! |
Kewl website and newsletter! Keep up the great work! Check out my DX page. I'm still working on it, but what I've got is really kewl!
07/29/99 17:18:52
Name: Alissa |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 21 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: i already did! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: his mic skills hehe |
i just came here to see if you've updated your page and it looks great! more stuff for me to look at! :oD

07/29/99 00:07:00
Name: Mr. Cool |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 15 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: not really |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: he has cool hair |
Cool site. Keep it up. I hope you go far in life and Road Dogg rules
07/26/99 17:45:44
Name: Prez James |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Let Me Think About It |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Tha Shake Rattle and Roll |
Well, although it insults me that you, a Road Dogg fan, enjoys Instinct I must say this is one of the best Road Dogg pages anywhere but.It seems we've been gettin e-mail saying that Instinct is the best, well, here's the deal Prez James is putting up an o
line match and the belt will be the Internet Title which you the fans will vote for whoever gets the most votes by the PPV wins the title and Katie just because I feel honored you visited our site I'll get you an autographed picture of Instinct, once agai
though peeps, come check us out!!!
07/25/99 19:18:44
Name: Prez James |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 20 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: no.... |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: nothing |
Come to our site and see the meaning of backyard wrestling hardcore
07/22/99 15:51:32
Name: Bony Maronie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 35 |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: The fact that I get to run the official website! |
My name is Matt, and I'm just searching through all of the Road Dogg sites to get an idea of how I'm going to proceed with mine. I have been sanctioned by the WWF to create the fantabulous shiznit of all pages... The Official Page of the Dogg. I hope th
t you will come see it when it is finished. It should be up and running by the end of summer. When it is, I'll expect to see a link to the page. I'll return the favor to ya if you spread the word. Thanks.
07/18/99 04:33:07
Name: Marlena |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: Yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: His smile & Eyes, the fact that he is soooooo sweet in person |
Great site, be sure to visit mine. Road Dogg is the shiznit, and that's no L-I-E!!
07/18/99 01:03:49
Name: Gina James |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 13 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: i love road dogg's smile......i love his eyes.....i love his little ryhmes he doez!!! |
I love Road Dogg with all my heart and soul! He is the best thing in my life (along with my b/f) great website on road dogg!! it kixs ass!!
07/15/99 21:15:53
Name: skumbum |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 24 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: no |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: nothing |
Road Dog is a follower and if your not at the head of the pack the view never changes!!!!!!
ps............thats why he likes it doggie style or(takes it up the ass.....
07/13/99 23:18:04
Name: Kristi |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: I'm the Secretery! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: What do I not like about him??? :) |
Katie, I must admit...its a great site. But then again, how could anything about the Road Dogg not be great? Luv Ya Girl, Your Secretery Kristi..
07/13/99 18:30:23
Name: Jessica |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: You betcha |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: That Katie's in love with him. |
Your sites are always the best!! Luv ya, Katie Patatie!
07/12/99 15:53:21
Name: brina |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: bccc |
07/12/99 15:52:57
Name: brina |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 22 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: bccc |
07/12/99 15:51:46
Name: brina |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: bccc |
07/08/99 06:54:10
Name: Ivy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: sure... |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: What's not to like? |
Just wanted to say that I just stumbled across this page today, and I love it! I just started my own Doggie site...so please visit me!
07/08/99 00:38:31
Name: Panther |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 21 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: if you join my support club |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: I love him! |
Its a feeling of de ja vu here! I own a site just like this...only I have more pics.
07/03/99 15:50:41
Name: Natalie Taylor |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: sure! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: whats not to like? |
07/01/99 20:09:52
Name: TRD Jenna James |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 18 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: already in it |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: His mic skills, awesome dropkicks, and of course, I've gotta love those dreds! |
This is a very good site, the owner of it puts out a kicka$$ newsletter, and it's about the Dogg. How much better can this get? :)
07/01/99 07:37:52
Name: QT PIE |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: a cute 13 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: not really |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: umm who is he? |
um. nice site
07/01/99 07:35:42
Name: Jason |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: already am! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: He's funny, and charismatic. |
Pretty KEEN site. It's not un-well at all! Infact I'd say it's moderately NEAT-O, if you smell what the WOP is cookin.
06/25/99 01:29:07
Name: DXdgner8 |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 15 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes!!!!! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Everything!!! He's soooo damn fine, he has awsome mike skills, he shakes, he rattles, and he rolls with the big doggs!!!! |
Road Dogg is THE hottest man alive!!!! I have truly fallen in love with him in the short time that I've watched wrestling (since August of '98)!!!!!!Visit my DX webpage, it's awsome!!!!
06/18/99 05:25:12
Name: lilsexy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 26 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: why not?! |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: every damn thing |
Although I've been a wrestling fan for little under two years ( my fiance has been there all his life, therefore, I've been recruited!), I've expanded my open mind greatly!? I must say that I've enjoyed the sport shamelessly(sp?????). RoadDogg is my all t
me favorite because he's real, he's sexy, and he reminds me of my closest male friends. Dogg, you're the best - and I love ya dearly. That's all I gotta say right now.....
06/18/99 01:26:00
Name: tite |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: yes |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: moves |
deez nuts
06/09/99 03:48:59
Name: Amber |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: maybe |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: his shake rattle & roll move |
06/08/99 04:05:39
Name: Pattie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 16 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: sure |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: Because hes a kick ass wrestler, fine, funny, ect. |
Great site! I love Road Dogg. I hope him and Billy get back together soon.
06/07/99 23:25:49
Name: Katie Carpenter |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: I'm the president |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: His roguish good looks and his voice. |
Well, something was wrong with the last guestbook, so I made a new one. Welcome to the page. Have a look around. Let me know what ya think. Katie
06/07/99 23:25:41
Name: Katie Carpenter |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: I'm the president |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: His roguish good looks and his voice. |
Well, something was wrong with the last guestbook, so I made a new one. Welcome to the page. Have a look around. Let me know what ya think. Katie
06/07/99 23:25:33
Name: Katie Carpenter |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: I'm the president |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: His roguish good looks and his voice. |
Well, something was wrong with the last guestbook, so I made a new one. Welcome to the page. Have a look around. Let me know what ya think. Katie
06/07/99 23:25:21
Name: Katie Carpenter |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 |
Do you want to join the fanclub?: I'm the president |
What do you like about Road Dogg?: His roguish good looks and his voice. |
Well, something was wrong with the last guestbook, so I made a new one. Welcome to the page. Have a look around. Let me know what ya think. Katie
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