Collector and Trader of
Old Time Radio Programs
My name is Dale Fournier. I am semi-retired and I live with my wife, Mickey, in Lake City , Florida. I play a little golf, play with a lot of grandchildren, now and then play with my woodworking and carpentry tools but Old-Time Radio is my passion.
I have a collection of over 4,000 shows from the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. I usually trade 10 hours at a time. I use Sony, TDK or better tapes and always ship by priority mail.
If you share this interest, take a look at my trade list by clicking on the cassette tape.
You can reach me by e-mail at:
Check out my real reel-to-reel deal!
You might enjoy visiting the granddaddy of all OTR sites, Lou Genco's page.
Yahoo has a growing old time radio page with lots of links.
Or my wife's genealogy site:
Member of"Old Time Radio Link Society"WebRing
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