For all those who haved used by first greeting card service, I am really very sorry. There seemed to be some problems with picking up a card. I decided to make a new one. I hope this one works. The cards sent by my first service, sorry, they couldn't be picked up anymore.
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No sound Marriage of Figaro (Mozart) Beetlejuice Theme Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) Circus March Classic Dixieland Don't worry, be happy! (B. McFerrin) God Father Theme (N.Rota) Golden Eye Theme Good, Bad and Ugly (E.Morricone) Hotel California (Eagles) Hound Dog (Elvis) James Bond 007 Theme Kind of Magic (Queen) Lullaby of Birdland Moon River (H.Mancini) Muppets Title Theme New York, New York Only You Pink Panther Theme (H.Mancini) Pretty Woman Roll Over Beethoven (Ch. Berry) Traviata (Verdi) Show must go on (Queen) Singing in the Rain Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin) US folk medley We are the Champions (Queen) We are the World (S. Wonder) When the Saints Go Marching In Wiener Waltz (J. Strauss) Wedding March (Mendelson) X-files Theme (M.Snow) Yesterday (Beatles)
This greeting card page was visited since July 4, 1999