A billionaire & a gentleman!

Two twins will born .Then Fran and Maxwell,the most eccentric tv-couple,will say goodbye to their fans.The English actor, who plays the aristocratic producer,says: " I could live as a nobleman,but I've chosen the stage".

He's shown manner,even when CBS cancelled "The nanny" after six years of scheduling.
By the middle of May,Charles Shaughnessy wrote on the internet a letter to TN fans.
"I'm shocked and amazed" says the actor who plays Maxwell Sheffield, nanny Fran's husband.
"Yes,our numbers have been bad opposite ABC and NBC, I knew that the 6th would have been the last season.But I expected them to send the show off into the sunset in style.It wasn't so:they replaced us with re-runs of other shows,but so far,nothing else has done any better.I can only say I'm very sorry for all the fans.And I say them:I appreciate your loyalty to me and the show.This site will be here to keep you and me in touch with each other:write me!"
(www.charles-shaughnessy.com ).
But Italian fans have not to despair, cause only the first half of the 6th season has been aired in our Country. Mediaset will air the last eps this fall.What happens?Just look at the pic:Fran gives birth to two wanderful twins, Jonah Samuel and Eve Catherine. News even for the wit butler Niles.
Apart from the disappointment about the way in which the show's ended ("I do feel outraged for you,the fans,we were well paid for our efforts,whether they show them or not"),Shaughnessy
maintains his ironic detachment of his British origin. Even though the actor says that now he feels
home in Hollywood,the attachment to the family is still strong. Did you know that Charles's paternal grandfather was King Edward VIII's "equerry"?
"A title of rank that allowed my father to grow up at the England's court.We had rooms in the Windsor's castle and my relatives frequented the cream of aristocracy . Still today there is a Lord
Shaughnessy (an uncle),while the famous duke of Rutlands was my godfather".
But how can be possible that a blue blood has been infected by the fever of the show business?
"Ask to my father. Maybe I was influenced by him, he's a writer and a script editor for theatre and TV.A man with the head in the clouds,just like Maxwell."
Even his mother was an actress. So after graduating from Eton College,Charles came to the turning-point: study…..law at Cambridge University. "I thought that one in the family at least should be a serious man. I was Mr Responsibile! But then I changed my mind. After a mysterious pulmonary disease,I finally understood that I had to come back to the theatre. And I was cured."
In America Shaughnessy played for 8 years Shane Donovan in the famous soap "Days of our lives",
besides several movies and theatrical performances.. But the final seal came with "The nanny".
"At the beginning,in 1993,Maxwell was repressed, uptight, he was the caricature of the Englishman.
Then he changed and he became more pleasant". A better father for Maggie,Brighton and Grace: children born from his first wife. And Maxwell should have received lots of advices from Charles himself. Yes because in Hollywood he is known as a model father.
Married in 1983 to Susan Fallender, an American actress, he has two daughters,Jenny 9 and Madelyn 4. "I'm a lucky guy,cause I've got a lot of time to spend with my kids. I'm always with them, I don't want them to be brought up by a nanny: as happened to me".