Swing Heil!

Jacquelina - 11/29/00 06:42:24
My Email:Melepomene909@netscape.net
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Peter and Arvid
Your favorite soundtrack song: It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that Swing
your age and gender (optional): 18 female
where did you first hear about my site?: Just looking for swing parties
improvements to my site I should make: More info about thr other actors
Swing Heil!

Amanda - 11/22/00 00:20:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/moose_zone/Whaley.html
My Email:moose_zone@juno.com
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Arvid
Your favorite soundtrack song: Track 1
cool links that I should add: http://www.geocities.com/moose_zone/Whaley.html
your age and gender (optional): 14/f/tx
Love the site, update soon.

Lisa - 09/02/00 06:48:48
My URL:http://www.valpo.edu/student/ballroom/Lindy_Page/lindypage.htm
My Email:lisaneef@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Peter
Your favorite soundtrack song: Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen
your age and gender (optional): 21, female
where did you first hear about my site?: stumbled upon it by accident while surfing for swing stuff
improvements to my site I should make: less obession with hot young actors and more substance about the reality of swing kids in Germany? Although that sounds like too much work now that I think about it. How about some nice windows wallpapers or something?

Karla Valleskey - 08/17/00 19:03:54
My URL:http://Swing_Entertainment.tripod.com
My Email:Kvalleskey@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Arvid
Your favorite soundtrack song: # 14
your age and gender (optional): 18
where did you first hear about my site?: just looking around on the net.
improvements to my site I should make: none!
This is a really neat page!!

The Webmaster of this site - 07/01/00 06:55:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/swing_heil_mdl/
My Email:swing_heil@email.com
I would just like to announce that I will be gone for several months, so I will be unable to answer emails/questions posted on my website. Thanks!

Renee - 04/23/00 01:44:38
My Email:curly_102@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Arvid
Your favorite soundtrack song: all of them(i love swing)
your age and gender (optional): 18/f
where did you first hear about my site?: searching for frank whaly info
improvements to my site I should make: Looks good to me
Very nice page. I first saw swing kids this year as part of the great twelve social curriculumn in my school. I then rented it again so my sisters could watch it. Awesome movie and that fact that Frank Whaley is in it doesn't hurt at all.

Reno Sweeney - 04/11/00 18:16:26
My Email:RenoSweeneyAG@aol.com
Your favorite soundtrack song: Bei Mir Bist Du Schon
your age and gender (optional): 29/F
where did you first hear about my site?: AnyswingGoes.com
Great site! I especially appreciated the slang, which I'm researching for a screenplay. Keep up the good work.

Rachel Neumann - 03/01/00 22:02:31
My Email:rneumann@students.wisc.edu
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: arvid
Your favorite soundtrack song: bei mir bist du schon
your age and gender (optional): 20 and female
hey, cool site. i was having a hard time finding swing kids sites, but i found yours and i like it, especially the pictures.

Mary - 02/06/00 00:54:13
My Email:marieh348hotmail.com
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Thomas
Your favorite soundtrack song: sing sing sing
your age and gender (optional): 15f
I love Swing kids movie and I also love Thomas! Swing heil everybody!

sasha - 01/18/00 10:01:17
My Email:sashasorich@hotmail.com
your age and gender (optional): 26 male
where did you first hear about my site?: this is the first time.
Maybee you can help. Swing Kids is one of my favourite movies but no one I know is very familiar with it. The thing is, after I saw the movie Some time later I saw the previews for it again, and the previews showed scenes from the movie where Robert Sean eonard was teaching his girlfriend how to swing but in the movie I rented from the video shop those scenes were not included is that just in australia and is it possible to find a directors cut or a version that contains these missing scenes. I would apre iate a reply if you know. Thankyou

Luc Rivet - 12/29/99 21:28:42
My Email:luc.rivet@excite.com
I search the lyrics of the Bei Mir Bist Du Schon. If any of you have it, just send me :) Thanks, bye. Luc

Jim - 11/18/99 06:01:12
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Peter
Your favorite soundtrack song: don't know
cool links that I should add: no
your age and gender (optional): 25 years old, male
where did you first hear about my site?: come.to/swingkids
improvements to my site I should make: it was great! don't need to change a thing, except maybe add a back ground instead of the plain color to the front page
It was a really good site! one of the best ones that I have ever seen on Swing Kids! Could you put some more music clips up? Where can I get a copy of Swing Kids? I've been looking all over the place and can't find it anywhere!

Aria - 11/17/99 00:27:21
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Peter
Your favorite soundtrack song: Goodnight My Love
your age and gender (optional): 19/female
where did you first hear about my site?: Altavista
improvements to my site I should make: none, it was great!!!
I loved the movie and I loved your site! I LOVED the fan fiction, it was so kewl! Could you put more of it up? Have you written any of it yourself? Please put more fan fiction up!!!!!!!!

Djangoman - 10/25/99 13:08:57
My Email:djangoman53@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: arvid
Your favorite soundtrack song: Good Night My Love
your age and gender (optional): 18/male
This is the swinginist site on earth!!!!!

Tomivy - 10/22/99 14:50:59
My Email:tomivy1@aol.com
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Peter
Your favorite soundtrack song: Sing Sing Sing
your age and gender (optional): 19/M
where did you first hear about my site?: just surfing around
improvements to my site I should make: I dig it, dont change a thing
Great site about a killer movie, one of my favs. I'd like to see some more of the slang on here. Go easy.....and Swing Heil!!!!

Heather Jarolimek - 10/05/99 01:46:58
My URL:http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu
My Email:kozie33@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Either Thomas or Peter
Your favorite soundtrack song: Swing Heil
your age and gender (optional): I am 18 and a female
where did you first hear about my site?: Looking for Homecoming Stuff
improvements to my site I should make: no
I was blown away by it. That is one of the best movies ever made. If you have a copy that is totally supermergentroid. Swing Heil!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alicia - 09/28/99 23:38:02
My Email:Hyperlindy@aol.com
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Thomas
Your favorite soundtrack song: Sing Sing Sing
cool links that I should add: www.welcome.to/thecascadian/
your age and gender (optional): 16/f
where did you first hear about my site?: Swing swing swing in a ring
Keep up the good work!

Alicia - 09/28/99 23:36:29
My Email:Hyperlindy@aol.com
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Thomas
Your favorite soundtrack song: Sing Sing Sing
cool links that I should add: www.welcome.to/thecascadian/
your age and gender (optional): 16/f
where did you first hear about my site?: Swing swing swing in a ring
Keep up the good work!

Amber - 09/25/99 17:49:46
your age and gender (optional): 19, female
where did you first hear about my site?: Frank whaly page
improvements to my site I should make: more links, character descriptions

Todd - 09/23/99 06:33:13
My URL:http://surf.to/spats
My Email:chevybelair@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Peter
Your favorite soundtrack song: Sing Sing Sing
your age and gender (optional): 16/male
where did you first hear about my site?: Altavista
improvements to my site I should make: maybe some sound clips from the soundtrack, sections on each character
Very nice site. I found what I was looking for. I like how you've described each song and it's placement in the movie. Anyways, keep it up! Later.

Tamara - 07/26/99 19:11:10
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Thomas
Your favorite soundtrack song: I don't know, that one that starts off the movie
your age and gender (optional): 15, female
where did you first hear about my site?: on another site
really good site

Amber - 07/13/99 14:40:46
Your Favorite Swing Kids character: Thomas, what a babe!
your age and gender (optional): 18, female
where did you first hear about my site?: On Snap, something called Heplinks
improvements to my site I should make: it's great
Great site!

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