MTV Skateboarding.
Guest Book
Grafix- 6
     While the grafix on this game are not very spectacular, they are however good. They have the right feel to them and the textures are very clean and fresh. The frame rate is locked at a solid 30fps. The levels are very big and fun to navigate. This all go down the tubes when you have to play lthe game though.

GamePlay- 2
       This game handles like a wet, used condom. That may sound sick but it the truth. IN the likes of Tony Hawk this game tries to be too real and not enough arcade. The balance system is too hard to get used to and the trick system seems out of wack. The camera also moves in the weirdest spots and gets in the way alot of the time.

Long Term Gameage-1
This game i would have to say is the worst thing i have ever played. EVER. I could not play in for more than a couple of minutes before just wishing i had TH. No one should ever get this game, dont rent it dont buy it , dont even play it. The only good thing about the game would have to be the music and that is not that good.