Sorry...the Unoffical Linda Blair Fan Site is not here any more...gone...kaput...Elvis has left the building.
I decided that after 100's hours of toiling over the computer with little to no help from people who claimed to have helped on this project and have called the site their own, that I was going to take it down. There's no need for it any longer when Miss Linda has her very own official website. the person who's brainchild this was, and the person who put in countless hours updating, writing HTML and putting out the chichi's for the domain name every year (and mind you...that's when it wasn't cheap), that I wanted the site removed from the internet. Apparently it's still very popular as we keep going over our bandwidth, and geocities wants me to, to keep it here. This site was written as a freebie to give fans the information that they wanted on Linda Blair...I had no intention of dishing out more money to keep it alive by buying bandwidth.
So...there you have it...the Unofficial Linda Blair Site is gone forever...glad you enjoyed it while it lasted!
Oh, and for those of you wanting to purchase Linda Blair memorabilia...I have a HUGE collection of very hard to find items in awesome condition...and...IT'S FOR SALE! Email me at and tell me what you're interested in and I'll send you my price list!
Noreen |