If you happen to have been referred to me from this link,
http://www.geocities.com/MIGHTORS2/Robert/, know that the person responsible for
that site is a total jerk!
They are in no way affiliated with me- all they did was copy all the
pictures from here- and then, they had the NERVE to link to my site!
As most of you know, I have had this site up for years now, and it is a real piss off to see someone else tryin to play off my work as their own
Anyway, I just wanted to clear that up for anyone who might think that this "Robert" character has anything to do with me- because they DON'T!!
November 15th, 2001
So I guess I should get into a lil bit of background info and stuff..
David was born in Queens, NY, on February 22nd 1979, so he was obviously a lot younger on the show.. (so any pics from GW are all pretty outdated, but we do have some really great pics from about 95 or so.. (thanks Icestar!!! :o)
As far as other projects he has done in the past, I haven't found a lot. He had a role in the movie "And God Created Women" as young "Hawk". He also had a recurring role in later episodes of "The Cosby Show", as one of Theo's ghetto youths *s*
I saw him mainly in Ghostwriter, although I do remember him from Cosby.. but who doesn't remember Cosby?? ":o
When I was younger, Ghostwriter was one of my
favourite shows... (I won't lie.. at first I watched it cos I found it entertaining, but once I hit about 16, I watched so I could drool over David) :o
I was really disappointed when the show went off the air.. I remember it being very sudden.. to this day I haven't seen an episode of GW in years.
Apparently it's still running in the states on some channel called Noggin . Unfortunately we don't get that in Canada I don't think. Woe is me! But you know how I know about this Noggin stuff? Cos rockin people like YOU email me and tell me! :o
Actually I have received a surprising amount of emails about David. It never ceases to amaze me when someone writes me or signs the guestbook. I guess it still hasn't hit me that I wasn't the only one *laffs*
There have been quite a few "David-sightings" in the past while, ranging from seeing him on the road, at school, and someone even saw him in Mexico! *lol*
The BEST email that I've gotten though, I must admit, was from David HIMself! :)
Yes, you read right, David Lopez emailed me. It was quite a moment *lol*
He is currently in school finishing his undergrad I believe. He had started awhile ago but took a year off to travel and to find himself I think he said.
Anyway, he's hoping to get back into the acting thing soon (you heard it here first!) aaaaaand, he offered to help with the website any way he can! ;o)
I'm trying to see if I can get him to send us some pics :)
I won't lie though, that was quite awhile ago, but it was nice of him to offer anyway!
*Laffs* When I started the page, I jokingly entered David's name in this pollbooth for "Hottest Man" I didn't think anything would really happen with it, but you guys have done wonderful things for his rating!! Let's see if we can get him to number 1! :)
If you really like this page, or just like it a little *s*, click on the image on the left to recommend this site to a friend.. or 2, or 10 *lol*...
I'm hoping you enjoyed the new info (altho most of you list ppl already know all this), and I'm hoping you'll all keep supporting this page! :)
So ya, that's it for now.. please sign the guestbook if you haven't already! :)