Welcome to Claire's

Wacky Fun Page!

(This is my favorite new show!)

The Powerpuff Girls are a registered Trademark of Cartoon Network.

This image is not for commercial use.

This page is not officially endorsed by or affiliated with Cartoon Network in any way.

(Although I have heard that Brak has a little crush on me!)


Fun Stuff!

Movie Reviews by Claire (films that have recently been in the theatres)

Video Reviews by Claire (just things I've rented lately, plus some eternal favorites)

Just-for-fun Links

Links to my friends' pages, and (oh boy!) are they great!

Katie's Page: Katie was assigned a web project for an international studies course. This is the result-- http://www.mtholyoke.edu/~kpeterse/pol116.html
Ryan's page: My boyfriend Ryan has an excellent web page devoted to his photograhs (no nudity!)--
Marcellus's page: An excellent commentary on life on the web opens this eclectic collage of life, liberty, and the pursuit of kickass stuff!--
Marcellus Cadd's Home Page

Guess That Quote!

"I'm surprised you were able to write so

legibly on your own butt!"

mailto: clairej@mail.utexas.edu

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