Katie Holmes and Joshua Jackson

Celeberty 411:

Hey Welcome to my webpage. This webpage is on my favorite couple on the WB's Dawson's Creek. Enjoy looking at my page. I hope you'll like it.


News & Gossip:

Page Last Updated April 18, 2000

Joshua Jackson is rumored to be dating Britney Daniels aka Eve on Dawson's Creek.

Katie Holmes it is confirmed to be dating Chris Klein from American Pie. He was with her at the premiere of "Wonde Boys."

Katie is starring in " The Gift ." She plays a young woman who dissappears. I hear it's a small part.

Joshua is starring in the movie "The Skulls"  is out in theaters now.

This week they will be " Northernlights" (rerun). April 19,2000.

Next week the new episode "Stole Kisses" will show. April 26, 2000.



E-Mall Me


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  Since Nov. 15, 1999
