Welcome to my video trading page!  It's been a long time since I've  
 updated the page but I'm back with several new additions and some  
 changes.  I am only trading/selling celebrity interviews and rare movies/tv  
 productions that cannot be obtained through regular video dealers.  If you find something listed that can be purchased through a dealer please let me 
 know so I can remove it from my page.  I am not doing this to make money.  If 
 you have nothing to trade I only ask for a very nominal fee to cover my time,  
 postage and material costs.  (See my terms section).  I know how frustrating
 it can be trying to find obscure material on a favorite actor so hopefully this
 site will help you. 

 I collect items on Benicio Del Toro, Billy Crudup, Ioan Gruffudd, Tim 
 Roth and Paul McGann. 
  If you have any of the titles listed in  My wants section I would be  
  interested in trading or buying.  Please see  my Video List for the titles  
  I have for trade or sale.  


    Benicio Del Toro interviews - Jay Leno, Conan, Letterman, E!  
    Extreme Close-up, Early show, E! post Oscar show, The Entertainers, E-Now & many more.  
    Paul McGann - Hotel (British comedy) 
    Tim Roth King of the Ghetto - 4 part TV series  
    Hugh Jackman - Oklahoma, Erskineville Kings, Paperback Hero 
    Kevin Spacey - Ordinary Decent Criminal  
    Heath Ledger - E! Behind the Scenes: A Knight's Tale, E! Extreme  
    Russell Crowe - E! Celebrity Profile 
    Close-up, E! A.J. After Hours, Movie Television show (Canada) 
    E! Behind the Scenes: Shadow of the Vampire  
    E! Behind the Scenes: Planet of the Apes 
    My Best Fiend - Werner Herzog 

  If you are looking for a video which I don't have and you can't locate 
  it anywhere else you may post your wants on the message board 


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Disclaimer:  I am not responsible for any trading deals made through
this page, unless it is one I negotiated myself.
This site was created on Jan. 18/99