*This is just a little corner at The Summer Pages, made because we think Rain is also super cool and deserves to be known and deserves to have a fan page *


Rain Joan of Arc Phoenix, second eldest child of Arlyn & John was born 31th March, 1973 in Crockett, Texas, USA at 9:47 PM, six days earlier than expected. At eleven she would extend her name to Rainbow. In 1987 Rain starred in a movie called Maid To Order and she played Brie Starkey. In Christimas 1988 was Aleka's Attic (a band by Rain, River Phoenix, and 3 other River's friends) formed. In January 1990 Aleka's Attic travelled to Charlotte, North Carolina to record a song for a album to benefit the charity PETA, called Tame Yourself. They have also recorded for In Defence Of Animals Vol 2. Till this day Rain's biggest role must have been Bonanza Jellybean in Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, in 1993. I don't know if this is a rumour, but I heard Rain was touring with Red Hot Chilli Peppers, singing backround vocals for them. Coool, huh? Rainbow also appears as the cello player in REM's video At My Most Beautiful. Rain has got a son, Jonas Winter Phoenix, born 7th February 1993.  In 8th October, 1999 will O, Summer's next big movie be realesed. I'm sure we will hear a lot about her!
I want to thank Rio's Attic for some of the info & these Aleka's Attic pics!

You should definitely check them out! Visit shop to purchase Aleka's Attic's music.


left: river and rainbow. right: rain and joaquin.

Rain's page at us imdb

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