Welcome to the Pandora Homepage and FAQ Project!

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Recent Links:

Pix from 1998 Pandora Concert, courtesy of Armando Lopez:

New Pix courtesy of Hector Juarez:

Other Pandoras

If you came here looking for information on the Swedish dance queen Pandora, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place, as this site is devoted to the Mexican trio Pandora.

Before you leave, however, please take a look around this site, and perhaps listen to some of the sound files you'll find linked on this page. Many of Pandora's (the Mexican Pandora, that is) most ardent fans discovered the group quite by accident. If you like Pandora (the Swedish dance queen, that is), I suspect you'll also like Pandora (the Mexican trio).

But if you're in a hurry to find information about the other Pandora, try some of the following links:

If you're looking for information on the moon of Saturn named Pandora, check out this link

For information on the original Pandora (of box fame), check out this link.

We were recently searching the internet for information on the Mexican singing group Pandora, and were stunned to learn, despite the group's international popularity, that there was no site, in neither English nor Spanish, neither official nor unofficial, dedicated to the group. Only occasional references, to most of which there are links on this page, even mentioned the group.

This site will change all of that. As meager as it is, it is apparently the main reference page on the internet regarding this important group.

At present, this page consists mostly of links to the currently existing sources of information regarding Pandora. As it grows, however, you can expect to find here all of the following:

Please bookmark this page, and keep checking back as it continues to evolve and grow. Also, please send e-mail to clem.law@usa.net if you would like to be informed when the page is updated.

Also, this project will not happen without your assistance! If you can help with any of the following, please send e-mail to clem.law@usa.net:

Please keep checking back as this page grows!

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