Welcome to Richard Clem's Homepage!

Note: This partial mirror of my tcfreenet.org homepage is still under construction. Most of the links on this page should now be working. However, most of them will send you to pages on my tcfreenet.org site. Once on those pages, if you find a link labeled something like "return to my main page," it will probably take you to my tcfreenet.org main page.

Also, some of the images on this page are being loaded directly from the tcfreenet.org server. I apologize for the bad netizenship, and promise to copy those images to the geocities.com server as soon as possible.

You can find the tcfreenet.org main page at http://tcfreenet.org/~clem/

How To Contact Me

Richard P. Clem
Attorney at Law
1304 University Avenue Northeast, Suite 108
Minneapolis, MN 55413

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14957
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Phone (612) 378-7751
FAX (612) 378-8830

Or by FidoNet: Richard Clem @ 1:282/100

View my online resume
View a sample of my writing

Projects I'm Working On

I am in the process of "translating" the Uniform Commercial Code into comprehensible English. Articles 1 and 2 of the Minnesota UCC are finished, and other Articles and other states' versions are on the way. Click here for a sample.

My wife and I have written a bilingual English-Russian study guide for the Immigration and Naturalization Service U.S. Government and History Examination. For more information (in Russian, KOI8-R Character set), click here.

Some cases and discussion of the First Amendment.

Clem Spins His Web

But enough about me. Let's see what some other pages have to say about me:


Here are a few items that needed a home on the internet, but didn't fit in any other category

Links Elsewhere

  1. Twin Cities Freenet Main Menu
  2. Telnet to Twin Cities Freenet
  3. Amateur Radio and Fidonet links
  4. Legal Research Links (a work in progress)
  5. Kiev (Ukraine) Freenet
  6. The exact time
  7. My Dodge Shelby CSX-T
  8. A good collection of library links (via Luther Seminary)
  9. Convert an IP address to a geographic location

If you run my name through your favorite search engine, you might find all you want to know about perpetual motion machines.

Search Engines

  1. Yahoo
  2. Alta Vista
  3. HotBot
  4. Infoseek

Some Interesting Sites I've Been Exploring

Just in case your search engine left you stranded here, the following might get you back on track:

Some less useful but interesting links

  1. Bananas in Pajamas
  2. Surf the Net Backwards!

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     Copyright (C) 1997 Richard  P. Clem
     This page last updated December 30, 1997
     [INLINE] This Page Best Viewed with Lynx! 

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