This show is the funniest, rudest, crazziest, and meanest show on television. The definative TV series of the '90s. The popularity of Seinfeld has resulted in an explostion of web pages, and since I'm so damn busy absorbing all this pop-culture, I didn't want to waste your time with my piddily crap. So, check out the following links, and persure the short introduction to all things Seinfelthe short introduction to all things Seinfeldian I've prepared.
The man who started it all. In 1989, Jerry Seinfeld was a stand-up comedian, who pitched a little show to NBC called 'The Seinfeld Chronicles'. Soon, a pilot was filmed, it gained steady ratings, the title was changed, and the rest is history, right? Well, almost. First, Jerry needed to come up with a creative cast of supporting characters. Sure, Elaine Benes, George Costanza, and Cosmo Kramer were there from the start, but what really made the show take off was the quirky secondary cast, like J. Peterman and the Soup Nazi.
Okay, I should explain. The Soup Nazi is a very intense person who owns the Soup International restraunt down in Manhattan. He has the strictest ordering proceedure around, this side of Germany. And if you don't follow said proceedure, "No soup for you!". Okay, ready? Here goes....
1. Walk in, and move directly to the right.
2. Order your soup with no enthusiasm at all.
3. Put your money on the counter, and move to your left.
4. Take your soup and do NOT make any the short introduction to all things Seinfelfurther commfurther comments.
Yeah, the soup natzi kills me! But moreover, he symbolizes what makes this show so great. The secondary characters. Where would Seinfeld be without Jerry greeting his nemisis by the familiar, "Hello, Newman." Or the ever-present voice of George's New York Yankee boss, Steinbrener? I just don't think the world of Seinfield would work as well without J. Peterman or Mr. Pitt.
George Castanza, who origanated the phrase, "George is gettin' upset!" This balding, short little man is a character you just love to hate. As the series ended he, Jerry and Kramer were shacked up in prision. I wonder, what will that do for his self esteeme? Anyway, George likes to think he's a nice person, and maybe he is, in some alternate universe. His funniest moments this season were spent pretending to be handicapped so he could reap benefits from work (including a ride-on Rascal) and refusing to quit his job when all was revealed.
Cosmo Kramer. This is the sort of guy most people are friends with: he steals from your fridge and something always smells bad in his apartement. Oh, and he's stolen furniture from the old Merv Griffin Show (actually, the dumpster) forced Jerry to dig up the body of a dead dog, and launched a ten-year long strike against the old bagel shop where he worked. He's also highered an intern so he would have more time to devote to his 'projects', namely KraMerica, his own non-existent industrial orginization. Authentic Kramer is no more and no less than his answering-machiene message: "Giddyup"!
Since the series ended last season, it's safe to say that my favorite episodes have been, 'The Contest', where Jerry, Elanie, George and Kramer tired to see who could go the longest without...stimulating themselves. I believe Jerry won. I also really liked an episode that aired during the show's last season, when Elaine found out her boyfriend Putty was religious. This lead to some very funny comments about how Putty shouldn't care that his girlfriend was damned because "he's not the one going to Hell."
Even better than the supporting characters is the terrific writing Seinfeld has showcased. Afterall, this show forced little statements like, "Yadda, yadda yadda." and "Get out!" into the popular vernacular; most people who own a television set can explain the orgins of statements like, "Not that there's anything wrong with that!", "They're real, and they're spectacular!" and "I chose not to run."
The Offical Seinfeld Site I like the entrance page, but this site has a whole lot more going for it. The page looks like a fan-designed site, but has an overall professional look. I like it. From the authors of 'You're a Super Yadda, Yadda Fan if..." A great page with quotes, links, pics, whatever your Seinfeldian heart desires.
Seinfeld Quotes - Organized by Episode A good Seinfeld quote resource.
129 West 81st Street Seinfelds Apartment. Well, really, this is just a really good fanpage.