Movie Reviews by Tschuk!

Aah, cinema!

Whether it comes in the form of the big-budget summer blockbuster on opening night or the little known indie flick in the comfort of your living room, movies are a great escape. With this web page, I hope to provide guidance and insight about movies that I have seen. You want to know if it's worth $3 to rent the latest new release from Quentin Tarantino, look it up here. I'll let you know what I think of it. You may go see Sleepy Hollow after I tell you I loved it, and it may make you swear off Tim Burton movies forever. Let me know why.

Thus far, my site is small. I will try to keep it growing, so check back. I'm always watching movies, and if they interest me, I will write about them. In the meantime, go read some of my stories and poems. Go check out some other movie sights on the web. Or go see a movie for yourself. I've been hearing good buzz about the new Toy Story movie.

Here are the Reviews

(more to come soon)

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