The Championship

of the


The Championship of the Universe is a storied and long-standing tradition. Its origins date back for as long as recorded time, and it is commonly regarded as the single most important competitive event in human history, rivaled on a global scale only by the Olympics. The Championship of the Universe is a test of wit, wisdom, strength and athletic prowess. Contestants compete in several events that measure intelligence, cunning, bravery and dexterity. Only the best will survive.


  1. Four hour test of ball-striking ability.
  2. Knowledge of galaxies far, far away.
  3. Strategy and manipulation of chess pieces.
  4. Ability at making basketball shots unmakable by others.
  5. Finesse and dexterity with a putter.
  1. Test of skill and luck at games of chance.
  2. Brute Strength and accuracy with a driver.
  3. Mastery of serves, forehands and backhands on the tennis court.
  4. Hand-eye coordination in arena of video football.
  5. Man to man duel on basketball court.

Recent History

The reigning Champion of the Universe is Mitch. He laid claim to the title in 1999 in a bout against his brother. This clash of titans failed to live up to the epic-scale expectations created by a media frenzy rivaling that around the Super Bowl. Mitch pulled a massive upset in the putting contest, and turned the tide on what had been a closely played contest. His dominance in most events established him as the Champion, even prior to some of the final events.

Championship Scoreboard

Keep track of your favorite competitors here. The scores will be updated as the events are played throughout the summer. All scores are amassed according to rules outlined on each event’s page above.
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