An Interview With Bogey |
Q:What made you decide to make a fan based Halloween horror movie? A: It's something that we've always wanted to do. Since I was 15, I've made 4 of them. Q:I have not seen the movie yet, how did it turn out? A: It actually turned out better then we expected. I'm in shock! Q: What are it's most redeeming qualities? A: It really causes you to think. We don't shove any conclusions down your throat. Nothing's etched in stone. You can decide for yourself, what you think happened, and there is no one right answer. Q:Is there a main theme to your movie, something you're trying to get across? A: can make a movie with nothing more then a camera and some determination.............and a case of beer! Q: Did you like The Blair Witch Project? A: Not really. We poked fun of it in our movie every chance we got. And we also quietly made fun of H20, horror in general, and ourselves. Q: Is it funny? A: No, but it has a few funny moments. For a fan based home made horror flick, it's pretty serious. Q: Will there be a sequel? A: No. I don't believe in sequels. Q: What's next? A: We're thinking about doing a comedy next summer. And I'm already writing our next horror movie, that will probably be titled "Transient." It will be all copyright issues like with the Halloween music, Michael Myers etc. And we will hype it to the TBWP. Q: Did you have fun playing Michael Myers? A: Actually, it was alot of fun. But I prefer to film and direct. I'm more comfortable behind the camera then infront of it. But I had a good time stalking people. Q: What's the most memorable thing about making your movie? A: Hanging out in the cemetery, dressed as Michael, carrying around sharp weapons. People would drive in, and stare at us. Also, the part where Jay destroys the phone had to be filmed twice because we were laughing so hard. And we drank alot of beer.......ALOT of beer. Q: Special effects? A: Nothing special. We didn't try to re-invent the murder. A little cardboard, some duct tape, a pencil, some know. We did a few computer effects, to enhance certain things, but that's about it. And we recorded all of our own sound effects. Stay tuned, there's more horror coming! Happy Halloween! |
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