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Jack Black- The mystery solved!

1/13/02 - One update a year is pretty damn good for me, OK? Don't forget to watch Saturday Night Live next week (1/19), JB is gonna host! Thanks for all of your e-mails, I try to respond to as many as I can. Sorry guys, I don't know Jack Black! It would kick ass if I did. They were trying to get the D to play at Movin' On, a big party for graduating seniors here at Penn State, but there's no way the university will pay for a band like that. Drat, foiled again. Keep the e-mails coming!

Sweet! I got some High Fidelity pictures finally! Click here to see.

Jack being one of the bad guys, Fiedler, in Enemy of the State.

Jack as Rick, Steven's best friend in The Cable Guy. Care of Movieweb.com.

Jack can sing! He did some comedy sketches in a group called Tenacious D for HBO. They did an episode of Saturday Night Live and appeared in Bio-Dome. Is there anything this guy can't do?

So why a page on this guy?

Is he my favorite celebrity? No. I mean I like him. He was in Enemy of the State with two of my favorites, Will Smith and Jamie Kennedy. And I like other celebs a lot better, like Hanson, Chris Kattan, the Backstreet Boys, 'N sync, I don't know the list goes on.

Do I think he's attractive? Well actually yeah a little.

Do I think he will one day take over the world and I am now kissing up just in case? Good plan isn't it?

Here's the reason: There are no other pages on the web dedicated to him! It's his first page and I own it. Woo hoo, go me! (4/6/2000 - It appears that more people are recognizing his talent and there are a crap load of pages on him now that are much more informative then mine. But it was still the first!)

Being the first page on Jack Black, I should also have the most information. He's 23 and lives two doors down the street from me. His dad's name is Mack and his mom's name is Bianca. Ok, I don't know if any of that is true. I know nothing about this guy. I just saw him in Enemy of the State and looked him up on The Internet Movie Database.

A Message to Jack... I know you must have found this page while looking yourself up on the net like all celebrities do. Throw me a bone here buddy! Email me information, pictures, maybe we can get an official fan club started or something!

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Copyright 1998.All material from this page belongs to me
Except for the pictures.
And most of the links.
Hell, the content isn't even true, so never mind.