Jack Black- The mystery solved!
1/13/02 - One update a year is pretty damn good for me, OK? Don't forget to watch Saturday Night Live next week (1/19), JB is gonna host! Thanks for all of your e-mails, I try to respond to as many as I can. Sorry guys, I don't know Jack Black! It would kick ass if I did. They were trying to get the D to play at Movin' On, a big party for graduating seniors here at Penn State, but there's no way the university will pay for a band like that. Drat, foiled again. Keep the e-mails coming!
Sweet! I got some High Fidelity pictures finally! Click here to see.
So why a page on this guy?
Here's the reason: There are no other pages on the web dedicated to him! It's his first page and I own it. Woo hoo, go me! (4/6/2000 - It appears that more people are recognizing his talent and there are a crap load of pages on him now that are much more informative then mine. But it was still the first!)
Being the first page on Jack Black, I should also have the most information. He's 23 and lives two doors down the street from me. His dad's name is Mack and his mom's name is Bianca. Ok, I don't know if any of that is true. I know nothing about this guy. I just saw him in Enemy of the State and looked him up on The Internet Movie Database. A Message to Jack... I know you must have found this page while looking yourself up on the net like all celebrities do. Throw me a bone here buddy! Email me information, pictures, maybe we can get an official fan club started or something!