Morning Memories
Morning Memories was born a few years ago in the mind of my friend Lisa. She had an idea to write a screen play, which would then be animated by herself. She had some ideas, which changed shape drastically from that which she first thought of.

The story is simple. Take one innocent human, and have him be kidnapped by one ancient Vampire, throw them into a turbulent re-organization of their supernatural world, and add to it that the change from human to vampire occurs at the same time, and you have the base idea behind Morning Memories.

The story, although it's to be animated, is not meant for children to watch. The animation idea is to take the best from Anime and Disney to create the style. Lisa's job is to draw. Draw. And draw somemore. Me? Well, I'd help if I could. But my drawing style is not nearly clean enough to animate, otherwise'd I'd help in the drawing.

We have been working on designing the world of Morning Memories, creating and adpating characters within that world, and writing a first script for three years, almost four. And we have just finished writing the first whole rough draft of the first script. Organization is a ***** ... Oopsie ;) Did I use that word?? ;)

This web site is our way of sharing what we are creating, in the process of creating, and getting the word out. I will post more drawings just as soon as Lisa get hopping and makes somemore. When I get my hot little hands on 'em, I'll scan them, convert them, and upload them to post. Not too long on that I hope. Some subpages are up with some of the done drawings, but those drawings and links back are about all that's there. The Vampire page, Council page, and WereWolves page all have info, rules and guidelines, that describe how our world is organized.

To view the pages in order, without coming back to the main page, nor using the Links page, start at Story Guidelines, and you'll get a tour of them all :)

"Please, please, please sign our guestbook ... Cause it it gives us a happy." Says the Slave Master and Buffy Freak I call my partner. "Hehehe."

Thanks for coming by. I hope to have somemore things up next you come, so check back often :)  -----  The Reluctant Page Slave

This site is under going major revisions ;) So don't lose patience ... All will be cleaned up in time :)
Story Guidelines: Rules and guidelines to the varied societies of Morning Memories

: Main and pivotal characters, drawings and descriptions and pertantant info

More drawings will be posted when more drawings are done.

Sign a ***
guestbook*** :)

view it ;)

the creators ...

Links page
... a page of links to every page in this site, and more.

Captain's Log
- a log page of new revisions and dates they were performed on.

Sketch book
- a few select drawings scanned from Lisa's sketch book

This page last updated Jan 19th, 2004.