About this journal

Hello, loved ones!

I just flew in from Israel, and boy are my arms tired. Not to mention the rest of my body. To allay any fears you might have, I did indeed enjoy my time in Israel for the most part, but if you think that means I have nothing to complain about, you are sorely mistaken. I am, after all, a master complainer.

My notes for this journal are divided into two types. I have general notes in point form, which document various daily occurences, some more amusing than others. I'm using them as a mnemonic aide, so that my journal is as excruciatingly thorough as possible. Most of what you read here is derived from these notes.

I also have a number of what I call "rants", which are where I got out most of my bitching so that my fellow birthrighters didn't have to endure it, although a few of the rants are actually fairly upbeat. I will type them all up verbatim, so you can see how incoherent, insulting, and emotional I get when I travel.

And so, without further ado, I give you my birthright journal.

Chapter One