This page is dedicated to the things that are held dear by the greatest Humphlett of them all.

"If it's not Humphlett it's CRAP!" -Michael Myers Humphlett

"The Greatest Love of all is to love a Humphlett" - Whitney Humphlett

"For God so Loved the Humphletts..." - St. John Humphlett 3:16

Humphlett Halftime (Movies, TV and more)

Humphlett Holiness (Christian Resources)

Humphlett House  (About Ken, Abbi and David)

Humphlett Heritage (Other Humphletts)

Humphlett Hacking (My Job at M. I. S.)

Humphlett Headlines (Humphlett News) 

To find out how to become a Humphlett, or if you already are one e-mail me Ken Humphlett at | This page was last updated 4 November 2003.