Admire This - Nick Carter........please be patient as the page loads!

Welcome! You have reached my section that is devoted to Nick Carter who is the youngest member of the Orlando based boy group, the Backstreet Boys.

Send your comments or suggestions to *Please be aware that this page is not directly affiliated with Nick Carter (this is an unnoficial page) and we are not responsable for any of his fan mail.* This background belongs to the web author of this page so please ask for permission if you wish to use it.

Go to Nick's Bio

In this section you can read up on Nick's bio and other facts. For example, find out when Nick was born and what he likes to do in his spare time and oh yeah that whole girlfriend issue........

Go to Nick's Gallery

Find all sorts of pictures of Nick and -yes- the Backstreet Boys. There are pictures from videos, tv appearances, magazines and more. *This section is still growing.

Go to Where's Nick At ?

What have Nick and the Backstreet Boys been up to? In this section I try my best to keep it updated but lately it seems impossible since the Boys have been so busy!

Go to other links

I wanna go somewhere else! This page contains links to other Nick Carter and Backstreet Boys links that I have found online. Or check out my Main Page where you can find links to my other pages on Justin Timberlake, Leonardo DiCaprio, Devon Sawa and Joshua Jackson.

I won an award!



Dying to get some cool BSB merchandise? Then check out the banner below.

Backstreet Boys Store